
Woman heard a sneeze and was shocked at what she found hidden in her Christmas tree

Christmas is the season of joy and love. It's the time of year when more fun is needed. But for one young lady, the festivities included an opossum hiding under her Christmas tree in her house. Brett (@brettbratt359) shared the video on TikTok, but never expected the clip to go viral. In the video, she can be seen wondering how the opossum got into her house and onto her tree when she didn't even leave her doors open.

Image source: TikTok | @brettbratt359

In another video, she is seen sharing close-ups of the possum and calling it cute while still wondering what to do. She posted another video explaining the details of what exactly happened and how she finally managed to get rid of the possum after the first video gained traction. The story goes something like this: She had come home from work and heard a sneeze while working on her couch. She assumed it was one of her pets and ignored it. However, it happened again and this time louder. But there was no sign of her pets anywhere. She then noticed a large tail when she looked near the window. Following the trail of the tail, she saw a “huge gray breathing ball of fur.” ​​Scared and shocked, she called her boyfriend, who then told her where the rubber gloves were – in case the possum bit her or was grumpy.

Image source: TikTok | @brettbratt359
Image source: TikTok | @brettbratt359

She said, “I'll take the gloves, grab his body, and try to pull him out of the tree.” Since opossums have hands, the little guy clung on to the Christmas tree for dear life. No matter how hard Brett pulled, or how much she tried to lure him with food, he wouldn't budge. Finally, she decided to pull him off one finger at a time until he was free of the tree, but not before pulling the tree and decorations down with it. Then he took off and disappeared under the sofa. Every time Brett moved the sofa, the opossum disappeared under the other. After about five rounds, just before she gave up, Brett decided to try again. She moved the sofa and jumped on the animal. To her amazement, she managed to grab the opossum and tranquilize it.

Image source: TikTok | @brettbratt359
Image source: TikTok | @brettbratt359

She also mentioned that while she did call animal control, they didn't show up until hours later. Being an animal lover herself with many pets, including a couple dogs, a cat, a few snakes, and even a bearded dragon, Brett said she would have just kept the possum if it didn't smell so awful. The comments section was filled with hilarious reactions. @tress said, “Girl I can't even kill a spider let alone get a possum out of a tree.” Another user, @elizasray, said, “I literally left my house because a bee flew in one time. You belong on Survivor,” and many of us can relate to that feeling!

Image source: TikTok | @brettbratt359
Image source: TikTok | @lamandamb
Image source: TikTok | @brettbratt359
Image source: TikTok | @mochawest

Editor's note: This article was originally published on December 5, 2023. It has since been updated.