
There's a secret Starbucks Frappuccino menu for Valentine's Day

By Country Living

It may be freezing outside, but is it really too cold for a Frappuccino? That's especially true if you're single on Valentine's Day and need some sugar and caffeine to accompany your rom-com binge.

For all the singles (and coffee-addicted couples) out there, there's Starbucks. Tony Aguilar, who works at a licensed Starbucks inside a grocery store in Tucson, Arizona, came up with a few Valentine's Day drinks to go along with the themed merchandise. They gave out their creations as samples and they quickly became a hit, with customers ordering the drinks in-store by name. “I was really surprised at how popular they became,” says Aguilar.

Aguilar posted his shop's recipes on Reddit and they look really delicious:

The Valentine's Day Frappuccino

Strawberry cream frappuccino with raspberry pumps to make it extra pink, vanilla pod in the middle and blackberry on top, garnished with whipped cream.

Photo credit: Tony Aguilar

Photo credit: Tony Aguilar

The Love Bean Frappuccino

Vanilla bean frappuccino with raspberry pumps, garnished with raspberry whipped cream and chocolate shavings.

Photo credit: Tony AguilarPhoto credit: Tony Aguilar

Photo credit: Tony Aguilar

The Java Berry Frappuccino

Java Chip Frappuccino, garnished with raspberry whipped cream.

Photo credit: Tony AguilarPhoto credit: Tony Aguilar

Photo credit: Tony Aguilar

According to a Starbucks spokesperson, there are more than 36,000 ways to customize a Frappuccino when you consider ingredients like milk, syrup and toppings. But don't just walk in and ask for the Valentine's Day Frappuccino because your barista probably won't know how to make it. “If customers want to order a drink that isn't on our menu, we encourage them to know the recipe so their barista can make the drink perfectly for them,” the spokesperson said.

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