
3 shocking scenes in CMP's undercover videos: “Tearing off legs”

Abortion doctor Deborah Nucatola, executive director of medical services for Planned Parenthood Federation of America, explains how the organization sells body parts of aborted babies, such as hearts, lungs, livers, limbs and brains, to a fetal tissue wholesaler in Los Angeles, California, on July 25, 2014. | Screenshot/Center for Medical Advancement

In recently released footage from the pro-life group Center for Medical Progress, a Planned Parenthood abortion doctor can be seen demonstrating how she would “tear off a leg or two” during an abortion in order to avoid violating federal law against late-term abortions.

CMP claims that its recorded conversations with abortion doctors prove that Planned Parenthood violated federal law banning partial-birth abortion and sold body parts of aborted babies for profit.

The pro-life investigative group released a series of undercover videos in 2015 in which Planned Parenthood abortion doctors describe how they alter their abortion methods to preserve intact organs, limbs and tissue from aborted babies. The group's founder, David Daleiden, and fellow investigator Sandra Merritt are two of the people heard speaking to the abortion doctors and clinic directors in the undercover videos.

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Following a congressional hearing earlier this year and a ruling by the San Francisco District Court, CMP is now permitted to release the videos filmed at the National Abortion Federation's 2015 commercial trade show. In 2015, NAF was granted a federal injunction prohibiting further release of CMP's hours of footage.

Daleiden had condemned Vice President Kamala Harris – who took office last month as the Democratic Party's presidential nominee after President Joe Biden dropped out of the race – for blocking the public from viewing the footage during her tenure as California's attorney general and ordering a raid on his home to seize hard drives and video recording devices.

“Kamala Harris, as Attorney General of California, raided my home and seized this footage in an attempt to bar it from release for eight years, at the behest of Planned Parenthood and NAF. It is time for justice under the law for the anti-abortion activists,” Daleiden said in a statement.

Here are three shocking confessions in the recently released undercover videos.