
Trial of Robert Chody: Judge suspends proceedings against former WilCo sheriff

The trial of former Williamson County Sheriff Robert Chody is currently on hold.

The judge took a break in the case after prosecutors filed a motion to appeal a key decision the judge made against them.

Prosecutors wanted to make it clear to the jury that Chody and former Assistant District Attorney Jason Nassour committed a crime by allowing the video to be deleted.


This case concerns the death of Javier Ambler in 2019 after he led Williamson County officers on a chase into Austin for failing to dim his high beams.

The chase and the death in custody were partially captured by a film crew from “Live PD.” Austin police did not obtain a search warrant for the footage, and the film crew was allowed to leave with their equipment.

The trial was halted because the judge ruled that without the warrant, no one had the legal authority to seize the equipment because of a federal privacy law. Without that warrant, prosecutors would be unable to prove that Chody and Nassour had broken any law and essentially have no chance.

Now prosecutors want the appeals court to overturn the judge's decision.

The defense wanted the case to continue pending appeal, but the judge denied the request.

The trial is suspended pending the decision of the Court of Appeal. Previous appeals by the prosecution were rejected by the Court of Appeal.

It is unclear how long this decision will take.

The jury was dismissed on Thursday and it is unclear when it will return.