
A Mobile Police officer was involved in a fatal accident and destroyed municipal vehicles three more times this year

According to the accident report, police officer Roy Adams ran a red light with his blue lights on but no siren when 67-year-old motorcyclist Sumner Howard collided with him on Old Shell Road on July 9. Howard later died. We now learn that Adams had two accidents before the crash, including one earlier that same day, and he had another accident afterward. All four incidents occurred while he was on duty.

The first crash occurred on February 6 at 4:47 a.m. The accident report states he was driving a 2021 Chevy Tahoe on Donald Street toward the precinct when he began to fall asleep at the wheel, swerved, and struck a fence at the Continuous Learning Center. The report states this “caused severe damage to the fence and the left front fascia of the Tahoe.”

Five months later, on July 9, at 10 minutes after midnight, he crashed into a raised traffic island on Old Shell Road, “causing severe underbody damage” to a 2013 Chevy Caprice that had to be towed to the city's repair shop. Later that same day, at 10:47 p.m., he crashed into Sumner Howard.

We also learned that, according to the accident report, Adams disregarded a stop sign on Wagner Street in a 2016 Chevy Caprice five days after the fatal crash. No one was injured. Police have not released details of any calls Adams may or may not have responded to at the time of the crashes. Police also would not release his photo or tell us if he has been disciplinarily taken.

A police department spokesperson told us that Adams passed drug and alcohol tests after each crash and remains on duty but no longer drives city vehicles. The spokesperson said Adams now rides as a passenger in a two-person unit. Adams joined the police force in July 2021.