
Could the viral trend “very low key” be a reminder not to take things too seriously?

Every now and then a new word or phrase pops up on the internet and suddenly it's on everyone's lips. The latest word to enter the conversation is “very reserved, very mindful.” In the dictionary, it means “reserved, modest, and shy.” But no, this isn't a traditional wives, clean-girls, or Bridgerton-inspired trend that promotes ladylike behavior. So why is everyone on TikTok suddenly so “reserved”? Well, it's just a stupid joke.

The phrase was coined by TikToker Joolie Lebron, who first used it in a satirical video about beauty etiquette in the workplace. The video stressed that one should be “modest, reserved and respectful in the workplace,” potentially setting a new standard for office girls and internet enthusiasts alike. So when videos of Jools describing how she stays “modest,” “cute,” and “mindful” at work started being shared online, we were naturally interested.

“I don't do too much, I'm very careful when I'm at work,” Lebron said of her workplace makeup. “See how I look very presentable? The way I came to the interview is the way I go to work.” Of course, Lebron picked up on the joke after the video broke. Being “modest” was now her thing. She made videos of herself modestly thanking her hotel staff, modestly eating at midnight, modestly standing in line for a plane, and very modestly (and mindfully) getting off a plane. After noticing a barrage of earnest comments about the sexist connotations of the word, she said, “In every 'modest' video, I'm just referring to myself. That's the joke.”

The clip has been viewed more than 10 million times since its release on August 5 and has inspired hundreds of hilarious videos, turning “demure” into a satirical movement among the masses. There's a demure way to lounge in bed, pour wine, and even eat doughnuts. No one is immune; even makeup artist Patrick Ta has jumped on the trend.

So is there a deeper meaning to all of this? Not really—it's silly and funny. At best, it's a satirical take on our obsession with internet culture and how we live in a world where a few TikTok influencers have the ability to start global trends. As Lebron reminded us all, sometimes we just need to let women live without telling them to be low key, attentive, or cute. Could this be a trend that finally allows us to joke around without taking things too seriously? It could be.

Cover photo: Pexels

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