
New study claims dinosaur-killing asteroid formed beyond Jupiter

A new study appeared in the journal Science may have finally determined the origin of the dinosaur-killing asteroid. According to the evidence, the asteroid could have formed somewhere outside the orbit of Jupiter.

These new findings could help us better understand the impact celestial bodies such as asteroids and comets could have on our planet if they hit it. In the case of this asteroid, scientists believe it hit Chicxulub, now the Yucatan Peninsula.

The researchers say the conclusions about the origin of the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs are very remarkable, especially since asteroids rarely collide with our planet – although some sometimes come very close. The scientists believe this will also help us figure out how water got to Earth, which in turn could help us explain the origin of life on Earth.

A comet or asteroid entering the Earth's atmosphere in an illustration. Image source: Aliaksandr Marko/Adobe

In addition, it could help us assess the threat posed by future celestial bodies approaching the planet. These findings are all based on sediment samples from between the Cretaceous and Paleogene periods, around the time of the catastrophic asteroid impact.

The new study also points to an important matter that many have been debating for decades at this point – whether or not the dinosaur-killing asteroid was actually a comet. While some may believe so, researchers have dismissed that idea using statistical simulations from 2021.

In addition, analysis of the samples shows that the object had a very different composition than any comet or meteorite we have seen in the past. Therefore, researchers say it is very unlikely that the impact object was a comet. However, the general hope is that studying past asteroids like this one will prepare us for the future.

Whether we use our approach to deterring potential impacts – such as NASA's DART test – or other means, any new information we have is likely to prove helpful in the long run.