
Defendant in drug-related shooting case sentenced to 12 months in prison

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D.C. Superior Court Judge Lynn Leibovitz on August 16 sentenced a defendant to 12 months in prison and three years of probation in a non-fatal shooting case.

Ereck Wilson, 49, was originally charged with unlawful carrying of a pistol outside of a home or business, unlawful discharge of a firearm, endangerment with a firearm, possession of an unregistered firearm and unlawful possession of ammunition for his involvement in a non-fatal shooting incident on Dec. 9, 2023, in the 1600 block of W Street, SE. No one was injured in the shooting.

According to court documents, Wilson fired a gun while under the influence of phencyclidine (PCP). The shots were not aimed at anyone.

On June 14, Wilson accepted an offer from prosecutors to plead guilty to carrying a pistol without a permit outside a home or business and unlawful discharge of a firearm. In exchange for his guilty plea, prosecutors said they would seek a sentence in the lower range of the guidelines for both charges.

During the hearing, prosecutors asked Judge Leibovitz to sentence Wilson to 12 months in prison.

Wilson's defense attorney, Daniel Dorsey, said Wilson fired a gun and was under the influence of phencyclidine because he attempted suicide after learning that his girlfriend had died in a car crash. She had been missing for a week.

Judge Leibovitz said this was not Wilson's first drug offense, as he had been convicted more than twenty years ago. She sentenced Wilson to 12 months in prison and three years probation.

No further dates have been set.

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