
Newark toddler fights for life after accidentally shooting himself

A three-year-old boy remains in critical condition after accidentally shooting himself with a firearm in Newark on Thursday evening.

The incident occurred at a home on Wainwright Street. The neighborhood is still in turmoil 24 hours after the incident.

A longtime resident told News 12 that children often hang out there and it is usually one of the quieter parts of town.

According to Newark police, the shooting occurred shortly before 6 p.m. on Thursday. The boy was at home with two other children when the shot was fired. The other two children were not injured, according to police.

A local store owner told News 12 that the victim's brother came into his store to call 911 and there was blood on his shirt.

How the three-year-old got the gun is unclear.

One neighbor says this should make gun owners – especially those with children – more safety conscious.

“They don't realize how serious it is to shoot a gun… Sit down with your kids and explain to them what you have, why you have it, how serious it is and that it's not a toy, it's not a plaything,” says Craig Wingate.

There is also no information on possible charges. State law requires that weapons must be stored unloaded in a gun safe or locked container. Ammunition must be stored separately.