
New Kentucky Domestic Violence Law Enforcement Handbook Released

OLDHAM CO., Ky. (WKYT) – Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman introduced the state's new domestic violence prosecution manual in a press conference Friday morning.

“Make no mistake. Let me be very clear. We will prosecute criminals across our Commonwealth and I am so grateful that this tool will help us do that,” said Attorney General Coleman.

The new features in the 2024 Domestic and Interpersonal Violence Prosecution Procedures Manual focus on the rights of domestic violence victims in Kentucky.

Brittany Scordo, director of partner violence and education programs at the Nest Center for Women, Children and Families of Lexington, was also in attendance. She said victim advocacy is an important part of combating domestic violence in the community.

“Victims need to feel safe, empowered and supported to come forward, tell their story and actually have access to real justice. Otherwise, prosecutors cannot do their job and hold perpetrators accountable,” Scordo said.

According to Attorney Coleman, a key issue is providing victims of domestic violence with multiple options for resolution and giving prosecutors and other law enforcement officials a variety of options to ensure victims' safety.

“It’s a reminder of where we need to go to get those immediate services, because we often face immediate problems here,” said Attorney General Coleman.

A key point of the handbook is that not all domestic violence cases are the same. For some, it may be best to report the case, while others may opt for a restraining order.

“There are all these different factors that you have to consider when working with a survivor who is trying to make decisions to protect themselves. It's a very complex situation,” Scordo said.

All crime victims are asked to contact the Attorney General's Victim Assistance and Referral Hotline at 800-372-2551.