
Oregon State Police seek information on killing of elk

The Oregon State Police (OSP) Division of Fish and Wildlife is asking the public for help in identifying the person(s) responsible for the killing and wasting of an elk in Douglas County.

According to police, the investigation revealed that the animal was shot on or about August 9, 2024 and left in a clearcut near mile marker 5 on Burnt Mountain Road.

Anyone with information is asked to contact OSP's Southern Command Center at 800-442-2068 or *OSP (*677) from a cell phone. The case number is #SP24261470.

Individuals with information may remain anonymous, and a TIP reward in the form of cash or priority points will be offered for information leading to a subpoena or arrest in the case.

The Turn In Poachers (TIP) program is a collaboration between the Oregon State Police, Oregon Hunters Association, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Oregon Wildlife Coalition, Oregon Outfitter and Guides Association and the Oregon State Marine Board.

The TIP program offers priority points as a reward for information leading to an arrest or issuance of a citation for the illegal taking/possession or waste of big game.

Rewards in the form of preference points:

  • 5 points: Bighorn sheep
  • 5 points: Mountain Goat|
  • 5 points: Moose
  • 5 points: Wolf
  • 4 points: Moose
  • 4 points: Deer
  • 4 points: Pronghorn antelope
  • 4 points: Bear
  • 4 points: Puma

The TIP program also offers cash rewards for information leading to an arrest. Cash rewards may also be available for habitat destruction, illegally obtaining hunting or fishing licenses or tags, lending or borrowing big game tags, targeting mockingbirds, or trapping deer.

Cash rewards from the Oregon Hunters Association (OHA):

  • $2,000 bighorn sheep, mountain goat or moose
  • $1,000 Elk, deer or antelope
  • $600 Bear, Puma or Wolf
  • $300 Habitat destruction
  • $200 Illegal acquisition of an Oregon hunting or fishing license or tag
  • 200 US dollars Unauthorized lending/borrowing of tags for big game hunting
  • $200 Wild fish and shellfish
  • $200 Wild birds or fur animals
  • $200 Spotlighting
  • $200 Snagging/Snagging Attempt
  • Oregon Wildlife Coalition (OWC) Cash Rewards:
  • 500 $ Hawk, Falcon, Eagle, Owl, Osprey
  • $500 Cougar, bobcat, beaver (public lands only), black bear, bighorn sheep, marten, fisher marten, Sierra Nevada red fox
  • $1,000 Species listed as “endangered” or “critically endangered” under state or federal endangered species law (excluding fish)