
SNP accused of two-tier healthcare system while private patient numbers rise

The SNP has been accused of promoting a “two-tier health system” in Scotland after released figures showed that more people are opting for private treatment rather than waiting for the NHS.

The total number of admissions to private hospitals in Scotland last year was 21,000, an increase of 11% on the previous year, according to figures from the Private Healthcare Information Network.

The Scottish Labour Party believes that long NHS waiting lists have contributed to the increase, citing figures showing that a third of all hip and knee replacement operations performed last year were done privately.

Elsewhere, new figures obtained by the party through freedom of information requests show that at least 36,818 Scots have chosen to leave the NHS dentist and pay for private dental treatment since 2019.

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Jackie Baillie, Scottish Labour's health spokeswoman, said: “The SNP can boast all it wants about protecting the NHS, but in reality it has overseen the birth of a two-tier health system in Scotland where the price of poverty is pain.”

“With almost one in six Scots on an NHS waiting list, it is no surprise that Scots who can afford it are spending money to escape the pain.

“But if you can’t touch your savings, your only options are to get into debt or live with rotten teeth or excruciating joint pain.

“Everyone in society benefits when patients are treated quickly and can participate in social life again.

“A Scottish Labour government will stop the talk and put the NHS back on the road to recovery so that patients get treatment quickly, no matter how much money they have.”

Seamus Logan, SNP health spokesman in Westminster, said: “The SNP government is investing record amounts in Scotland's NHS, the best performing in the UK and with more GPs, doctors, nurses and midwives per capita than other parts of the UK.”

“As Wes Streeting admitted, all roads lead back to Westminster. That is why it is sheer hypocrisy for Jackie Baillie to sharply criticise Scotland's health system while the Labour government is enforcing deep cuts to public services from Westminster.

“Instead of imposing further austerity, the Labour government must support the SNP's calls for an additional £16 billion investment in the NHS to reduce waiting times and improve services.”

A Scottish Government spokesman said: “We are committed to improving services for people with chronic pain conditions.

“The latest statistics show that the number of arthroplasty (joint replacement) operations continues to improve towards pre-pandemic levels.

“We know that many patients are still facing unacceptably long waiting times, which is why our initial additional investment of £30 million is aimed at reducing the national backlog that has built up as a result of the pandemic.

“This is all part of our programme to reduce waiting times, including waiting lists for orthopaedic treatment, and supports targeted action across a range of specialties.

“We are also improving access to NHS dentistry and have implemented comprehensive reform of NHS dental payments following extensive discussions with the sector.”