
Lakimata prison receives food and tents

TWO WEEKS AGO, Lakimata Prison in West New Britain Province received donations of food and tents to help cope with an increase in the number of prisoners.

The provincial government intervened through its disaster management office and purchased food for the prison using three large tents on Friday, August 9.

Lakimata prison commandant Superintendent Dimon Gah said the overcrowding of prisoners from 390 to 621 was difficult for them to cope with.

“We are facing overcrowding in the premises, which is affecting our daily rations,” said Mr Gah.

“The provincial disaster management office and the provincial government made this possible and gave us three tents and food rations worth 20,000 to help us during this time.”

He called on the government to address the issue and help build infrastructure to accommodate the growing number of prisoners.

“There is overcrowding in facilities across the country and the government needs to address it.”

Mr Gah said he had spoken to WNB provincial MP Sasindran Muthuvel about building two or three cells to house the remand prisoners and convicted prisoners.

In addition to the contributions of the provincial government, Mr. Gah also thanked WNB Provincial Member Sasindran Muthuvel and the Provincial Disaster Management Office for their support.

The 20,000 K consisted of 200 10 kg bags of rice and other goods, including boxes of biscuits, canned fish and the three large tents.