
“Underlines the need to assess exposure risks”

According to a new study, you may be exposed to trillions of microplastics every month through your household sponge.

What happens?

A study published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology found that melamine sponges – more commonly touted as “magic” sponges or erasers – could be a hidden source of microplastic pollution.

Melamine erasers are made of sturdy plastic strands that are bonded together to form a lightweight, foam-like sponge. The resulting product is “surprisingly abrasive, making it a perfect material for scouring pads,” according to a Newsweek report.

But when you use a melamine sponge, that foam breaks down into microscopic pieces of plastic. The result is trillions of microplastics on your household surfaces, your dishes, and in your drain.

The study from China found that a single sponge releases about 6.5 million microplastic fibers per gram of sponge worn out. Using Amazon sales data – and assuming that all sponges wear down by about 10% – the researchers calculated that melamine sponges could release about 1.55 trillion microplastic fibers each month. And that data only takes into account one retailer.

Research suggests that total global emissions could be as high as 4.9 trillion microplastic particles per month, taking into account global consumption of melamine sponges.

“Our study uncovers a previously unknown source of microplastic fiber pollution and highlights the need to assess the exposure risks associated with these new forms of microplastic fibers,” the study's authors wrote, according to Newsweek.

Why is microplastic harmful?

Think about the proliferation of plastic. Now consider that plastic never truly biodegrades. Instead, it simply turns into smaller and smaller pieces of plastic – microplastics – that never really disappear. That's an unimaginable amount of microplastics on our planet.

Research into microplastics and their impacts on public health and the environment is relatively new. But what we know about the small plastic particles is quite alarming.

Microplastics are incredibly prevalent in our waterways and, by extension, the global drinking water supply. In addition, once in the water, microplastics can enter the food supply via seafood and livestock, which – like us – rely on water for hydration. A recent study of protein-rich foods, including beef and tofu, found microplastics in nearly 90% of samples.

Microplastics can even travel through the air and enter our bodies – and those of animals – simply by breathing. According to an Australian study, humans breathe in about 16.2 microplastic particles per hour, which is the equivalent of a credit card per week.

Microplastics have been found throughout the bodies of humans and animals, raising concerns about reproductive problems and cancer. Models have also found that microplastics cause “inflammation, cell death, effects on the lungs and liver, changes in the gut microbiome, and altered lipid and hormone metabolism,” according to Harvard Medicine.

What is being done about melamine sponges?

Research into the dangers of melamine sponges – and the dangers of microplastics – is still in its infancy. It is safe to assume that these so-called “magic” sponges will be on store shelves for a while yet.

In the Chinese study, researchers suggested that manufacturers should work on producing denser, sturdier sponges that are more wear-resistant. They also recommended that consumers choose natural cleaning sponges that are not made of plastic.

To achieve similar cleaning results, you can replace a melamine sponge with a natural bristle cleaning brush or a biodegradable scrubber made from natural materials. If you want to avoid plastic – and microplastics – wherever you can, this guide can help you find more sustainable alternatives.

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