
How good data analysis skills can get you a job at Cartier

What skills do you need as a data analyst to work for a brand like Cartier?

Well, Guilherme Paulino may have some answers for you, and an unconventional one at that.

Paulino, originally from Portugal, completed his bachelor’s degree in Business from the University of Porto in 2021, with a focus on econometrics, macroeconomics, microeconomics and marketing.

In the same year, he completed his Masters in Economics and Management at the same university. This program, organized by Quantitative Techniques for the Master Network in Economics and Management (QTEM)with a focus on the field of data analysis, and it was also the program that took Paulino abroad to Luiss Guido Carli University for a semester in Rome.

Although this was quite a change for him – from studying economics and management to data analysis – he didn't find learning new skills too difficult.

Paulino attributes this to and that may surprise Learn to play guitar at the age of 10.

“The best thing about learning to play guitar was that it taught me perseverance and methodical practice,” Paulino said. “I think that's what made me who I am today. It's ingrained in me.”

“If you want to master the skills, you have to put in the time and effort. For me, it was my role model in learning programming languages. So if you are not consistent and methodical, it will be very difficult.”

Playing an instrument and analyzing data is about recognizing patterns and understanding flow.

In music, you need to learn and recognize the notes to play an instrument. Once you get that down and practice a lot, you can play almost anything quickly and easily. Data scientists need to be able to recognize patterns in the data and articulate them quickly.

“Much like the journey of a musical note from page to stage, your company’s data must flow intelligently throughout your organization,” writes Ernie Ostic of leading data lineage platform MANTA in a Venture Beats article about the connection between music and data.

“The data must be understood, accessed and managed effectively. One aspect of the data can enrich and validate another – and key data insights are what drive important business decisions. These key business decisions determine the overall performance of your company, just as different musical techniques can enhance an orchestral performance,” the article states.

Apparently Paulino has seen and experienced this phenomenon himself.

What started as a simple hobby like learning to play the guitar has now given him skills as a data analyst that have taken him to places he never imagined, such as an internship at French luxury goods group Cartier.

Paulino at his graduation from the Faculty of Economics and Management at the University of Porto. Source: Guilherme Paulino

What inspired you to continue your studies at the Luiss Guido Carli University in Rome?

I wanted to continue my studies in the field of management and data analytics because I had developed a certain interest in this topic during my bachelor's degree.

For the other programmes, you can either complete a regular Master's degree at a university, an Erasmus+ programme or a double degree where you spend one year at one school and the second year at the other.

Then there is the QTEM programwhich offers students a master's degree in addition to quantitative techniques and data analysis skills.

QTEM students are required to spend one or two semesters abroad to gain international experience, so I chose to study at Luiss Guido Carli University because it offered the courses I wanted, such as Python and R for data science, artificial intelligence in marketing, and other related subjects.

I wanted to expand my learning experience in this type of courses, not just management courses, since I was already taking more or less the usual management courses at my university.

Another source of inspiration was the international and cultural experience that comes with living in Rome and which played a major role in the decision.

Finally, the program offers international experience and the QTEM Data Challenge for students to participate. In my case, Cartier was the stakeholder in the challenge I participated in, so I ended up choosing QTEM and Luiss Guido Carli University.

In the QTEM program, Paulino acquired his skills as a data analyst and secured an internship at Cartier. Source: Guilherme Paulino

What was your experience participating in the QTEM Data Challenge?

The QTEM Data Challenge was the perfect opportunity to combine the management and data analysis skills I acquired at the University of Porto and Luiss Guido Carli University.

It was very interesting because they gave us a data task in raw format. We had to do the work that a data analyst would normally do, like extracting and transforming data, and in addition, the task also focused on the business side of Cartier. We had to use both skills during the task.

The way the teams were formed was also interesting. We were divided into teams of three to four students based on a questionnaire we filled out about our skills to ensure that our skills complemented each other.

One of my teammates and I were very data-oriented. We knew all the tools, from Python to R. Our other two teammates were more focused on the research side of the challenge.

A very nice team spirit emerged in solving this challenge and that was very interesting for me from a cultural point of view as we came from different parts of the world and studied in different places.

When our team reached the final, we presented our business results and solutions to stakeholders, Cartier, colleagues and alumni of QTEM, as well as some professors from several schools that are part of QTEM.

However, we did not win and ended up in third place in the challenge.

Data analyst skills

Paulino is now an International Client Data Analyst Intern at Cartier in Geneva, Switzerland. Source: Guilherme Paulino

How did you get an internship at Cartier?

After the challenge, Cartier contacted us to further discuss our presentation and continue the conversation.

During this process, we came across a topic that interested me: data analytics. By chance, they had a position open in data analytics, and thanks to my data analytics skills, it just so happened that I got the job.

How did it feel for you to get the internship at Cartier?

It was very rewarding for both me and the students involved in the challenge.

Everyone was very pleased when a company like Cartier wanted to continue the dialogue with the students and wanted to know what their interests were.

It felt like a fairytale. One day, while on holiday in southern Portugal, I received an email saying that we had made it to the finals of the QTEM Data Challenge and I thought, “Wow, we're going to present this to Cartier.”

Maybe one day I can work there, as my wildest dreams promise.

What skills are most important for a data analyst?

A data analyst should have solid technical skills, such as knowledge of data analysis and visualization tools, a solid understanding of statistical concepts, and knowledge of programming languages. But even more important is a curious mindset coupled with strong problem-solving skills. This enthusiastic drive to ask questions, explore data deeply, and uncover hidden patterns or anomalies, along with the ability to identify and solve problems, is perhaps the most important skill a data analyst can have.

What do you think are the best ways for a person with no data background to learn the basic skills of a junior data analyst?

For someone starting out with no data background, a mix of educational pathways may provide the best opportunities for learning the fundamental skills of a junior data analyst. Online courses can provide structured lessons in basic technical skills like Excel, Python, and R, while certification programs offer valuable industry recognition. Additionally, university programs provide a broader and deeper understanding of data analysis and emphasize the theoretical foundations that are critical for comprehensive learning.

In my opinion, hands-on practice and learning through challenges are essential to significantly improve your skills, so I encourage anyone interested in this field to supplement their education with internships, project-based courses, or data competitions like the QTEM Data Challenge. These opportunities allow individuals to take on real-world missions and deliver tangible results, thoroughly preparing them for the demands of the role of a data analyst. Combining theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience is key to developing the skills needed to succeed as a junior data analyst.