
CGIL “ready to fight an unacceptable return to austerity” – TopNews

A return to austerity policies with fewer resources for public health, social security, public schools and jobs is unacceptable, Italy's largest trade union federation CGIL said on Monday.

The CGIL called on the government to raise the necessary funds through higher taxes on wealthy individuals, financial returns, increased profits and the fight against tax evasion.

In particular, CGIL Federal Secretary Christian Ferrari warned that the union is ready to take all necessary initiatives to support its demands before the budget law, which is expected to be approved by the end of the year.

Ferrrari said, among other things, that the union is demanding the confirmation of temporary tax cuts for some 14.7 million workers and the provision of the necessary funds to renew public contracts, since “a monetary increase of 5.78% for the period 2021-2023 is unacceptable in the face of inflation of 17% over the three-year period”.