
Dear SaaStr: I have a good job, but I'm not that happy. Should I threaten to quit if things don't get better?

Dear SaaStr: I have a good job, but I'm not that happy. Should I threaten to quit if things don't get better?

If you are unhappy with your job, should you threaten to quit? I think you can do that once.


  • If you are truly in the top 10%, people will respond. You might even get a raise. In fact, this is one of the easiest ways to get a raise in a large company. HR always sets aside some budget for a top performer who leaves the company. In a large company, at least sometimes you can get a raise that you wouldn't get otherwise. That's because HR policies have an exception here.
  • If you are not a top performer, you will at least realize that you are not.. They will say, “Good luck! We understand! It's time to spread your wings!”

Just don't do it twice. Don't say it twice. Don't even say it half twice.

Too many people say that too often. I know when you're frustrated, it can feel somewhat cathartic to allude to quitting several times.

But this will take you – at least for a startup – off the critical path.

No one can really rely on someone saying they might leave twice. They'll start looking for a replacement. You kind of have to.

A related post here:

Dear SaaStr: What was your experience when you quit your first job?

(Image from Here)