
The business model for prosocial AI. A win-win-win situation

Do you sometimes wish the world were different – fairer, with more abundant resources so that everyone had a fair chance to succeed? And then you tell yourself to stop dreaming, because that's not how society works and never will.

Artificial intelligence is often portrayed as a double-edged sword – it can either open up unprecedented opportunities or bring unforeseen challenges. As we navigate an ever-evolving hybrid landscape, a new paradigm is emerging: Prosocial AI. This approach to AI development prioritizes the well-being of individuals, communities, society as a whole and the planet on which everything depends, and promotes positive social behavior, collaboration and ethical decision-making. For companies, the use of Prosocial AI can not only mitigate risks, but also drive sustainable growth, enhance brand reputation and promote long-term value creation.

The concept of Prosocial AI

Prosocial AI is based on the idea that technology should serve the common good. Unlike traditional AI, which often focuses on optimizing efficiency or maximizing profits, prosocial AI is designed to align with human values ​​and societal goals. It operates on the principles of fairness, transparency and inclusivity, ensuring that its use benefits all stakeholders, not just a select few.

In practice, prosocial AI systems are being developed with the explicit intention of promoting positive social outcomes. This can mean anything from reducing bias in hiring algorithms to supporting mental health through AI-driven counseling platforms. The overarching goal is to create AI systems that act as catalysts for positive change and help build more just, equitable, and harmonious societies that carefully consider the planet.

Practical examples of applied Prosocial AI

AI in healthcare: improving access and outcomes

One of the most promising applications of Prosocial AI is in healthcare, where AI-driven tools are being used to close gaps in access and improve treatment outcomes for patients. For example, AI platforms like Ada Health are revolutionizing the way people access health information. By providing personalized medical advice based on user-reported symptoms, Ada Health enables individuals to make informed decisions about their health, especially in underserved areas where access to healthcare professionals may be limited.

In addition, AI is being used to combat mental health issues that are becoming increasingly prevalent in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Platforms like Woebot use AI to provide cognitive behavioral therapy to their users, providing real-time mental health support that is accessible, affordable, and free of stigma. By providing these services, Woebot is making mental healthcare more inclusive and taking the burden off traditional healthcare systems.

Ethical AI in recruiting: promoting fairness and diversity

The recruitment process is another area in which Prosocial AI has significant implications. Traditional hiring practices are often characterized by unconscious biases that can perpetuate inequality and limit diversity within organizations. Prosocial AI offers a solution by providing tools that promote fairness and transparency in the hiring process.

Pymetrics, for example, uses AI to match candidates to specific positions based on their cognitive and emotional traits, rather than relying solely on resumes or traditional qualifications. By leveraging neuroscience-based assessments, Pymetrics helps companies identify candidates who are not only qualified but will also succeed in a specific position, regardless of their background. This approach not only promotes diversity, but also improves job satisfaction and retention rates.

AI in education: improving learning and inclusion

Another area is education, where Prosocial AI is driving positive change. AI-powered tools are being used to personalize learning experiences and make education more accessible and inclusive for students with diverse needs. For example, platforms like Century Tech are using AI to tailor educational content to individual learning styles, helping students overcome challenges and reach their full potential.

In addition to personalized learning, Prosocial AI is also being used to bridge the digital divide. Organizations like Onebillion have developed AI-powered learning apps that work on low-cost devices in resource-constrained environments. By providing high-quality learning content to children in underserved communities, Onebillion is helping to bridge the gap between privileged and underprivileged students, thereby increasing equity in education.

The business case for prosocial AI: The PRO Framework

For companies that Prosocial AI goes beyond mere corporate social responsibility – it is a strategic move that can deliver significant benefits. By focusing on PERPPurpose, RResilience and OOptimization – Companies can Prosocial AI to drive growth, enhance their reputation and ensure long-term success.

1. PGoal-oriented growth: The basis of every successful Prosocial AI Initiative is a clear and compelling purpose. When companies integrate AI solutions with a strong focus on the common good, they align their activities with broader societal goals, creating a purpose-driven organization. This alignment not only appeals to socially conscious consumers, but also resonates with employees and stakeholders who increasingly value ethical practices.

2. RResilience and risk reduction: In today's volatile business environment, resilience is the key to long-term success. Prosocial AI helps companies build resilience by addressing social challenges that might otherwise pose risks to their operations. By promoting fairness and inclusivity, AI-driven tools can mitigate the risk of reputational damage from biased hiring practices or discriminatory algorithms.

3. OOptimization for Inclusive Impact: Prosocial AI enables companies to optimize their operations in ways that are both socially responsible and economically beneficial. By developing AI systems tailored to different populations, companies can enter new markets and expand their reach, ultimately increasing growth potential while contributing to greater social equity.

Practical insights for managers

To harness the power of Prosocial AI As a business leader, you may want to consider the following practical steps:

1. Start with a goal – Clearly define the social outcomes you want to achieve and align your AI strategy with your company’s values ​​and long-term goals.

2. Prioritize ethics and transparency – Ensure that your AI systems are developed and deployed with ethical considerations in mind, potential biases taken into account, and transparency ensured.

3. Working together for greater impact – Collaborate with other businesses, nonprofits and government agencies to increase the impact of your Prosocial AI initiatives.

4. Measure and adjust – Continuously measure the impact of your Prosocial AI projects and be prepared to adapt your approach as needed.

A PROactive decision

Prosocial AI represents a great opportunity for companies to contribute to the common good while driving their own success. By aligning AI development with human values ​​and societal goals, by PER This framework will enable companies to develop more resilient, inclusive and sustainable business models. Whether AI proves to be a treasure trove or a Pandora's box depends on all of us. We can proactively decide which direction it goes.


If you are generally interested in the topic Prosocial AI Please see my previous articles in this series.

Forbes: Can we solve our hybrid alignment problem from within?

Why AI makes educators more important than ever

Why the inclusion of AI is a matter of life and death

Building hybrid resilience in a technology-dependent world: lessons learned

How can AI compensate for age-related cognitive impairments?

How to use AI as a creative sparring partner

Building hybrid resilience in a technology-dependent world: lessons learned

How can AI compensate for age-related cognitive impairments?

Using human intelligence in an AI-driven world

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