
Appealing clothing can lead to success in job interviews

TOPEKA, Kansas (WIBW) – Interviewing can be a stressful process, especially when it comes to figuring out the best outfit to wear.

Hiring managers want to hire the most qualified people for their positions, so dressing properly is a must.

Teresa Parks, assistant director of career services at Kansas State University, says clothing can be a deciding factor in hiring.

“What is the dress code for the everyday events there? And in general, I advise people to dress a little more upscale than they would for the everyday events. So if you're going to an interview somewhere that has a very casual workplace dress code, you can probably dress smart casual or business casual.”

Hiring managers look for ways to ensure your attire is appropriate for the workplace, and dressing correctly or incorrectly can say something about your work ethic.

James Barraclough, director of career engagement at Washburn University, says an applicant's goal is to stand out through their skills, not necessarily through their clothes.

The goal is to market yourself and make a great first impression.

“One of the things we talk about with our students is that you never get a second chance to make a positive first impression, so when you're thinking about an interview, you need to look your best.”

Both Parks and Barraclough recommend getting a second opinion on your clothing before the interview.

They also recommend finding out about the company’s dress code to increase your chances of success.

Washburn's Career Engagement office invites students and alumni to contact them for additional interview tips. The university will also be hosting several career events soon.

K-State also offers career services and clothing for students looking for professional attire.