
Obama's speech to the National Convention on Harris' candidacy and the dangers of Trump – NBC Chicago

Former President Barack Obama closed the second day of the DNC in Chicago with a fiery speech calling on Democrats to unite behind Vice President Kamala Harris and oppose former President Donald Trump's attempt to get back into the White House.

During his speech in his hometown of Chicago, Obama also praised President Joe Biden, who worked alongside him during his eight years in the Oval Office.

On the second night of the DNC in Chicago, former President of the United States Barack Obama spoke about his appreciation for Joe Biden, why it was right to “pass the torch to Kamala Harris” and more

He described Harris as a champion for the American working class who is guided by compassion and determination in her path to public office.

“This is a person who has fought her whole life for people who need a voice and an advocate,” he said. “As you heard from Michelle (Obama), Kamala was not born into privilege. She had to work for what she has and she actually cares about what other people are going through.”

Obama wasted no time criticizing Trump, whom he characterized as a selfish leader obsessed with “nagging and complaining” rather than serving the country.

“The truth is that Donald Trump sees power only as a means to achieve his goals,” he said. “He wants the middle class to pay the price for another huge tax cut that would mostly help him and his rich friends. He killed a bipartisan immigration deal that would have helped secure our southern border because he thought trying to actually solve the problem would hurt his campaign. He doesn't seem to care if more women lose their reproductive freedoms because it wouldn't affect his life.”

The former president praised the achievements of a Harris-Waltz administration, but at the same time criticized the Democrats, calling on them to do their best and try to build a broad coalition to ensure the success of the United States.

“The vast majority of us do not want to live in a country that is bitter and divided,” he said. “We want something better. We want to be better. And the joy and enthusiasm we are experiencing around this campaign shows us that we are not alone.”

He concluded his speech by calling on Democrats to “get to work” and to make contact with the “better angels of our nature” as they move forward.

“If we work like never before, we will elect Kamala Harris as the next president of the United States and Tim Walz as the next vice president of the United States,” he said. “We will elect leaders on every ballot who will fight for the hopeful, forward-looking America we believe in.”