
Marvel officially makes teaser for our new Deadpool and puts an end to the original

Deadpool is dead, long live Deadpool. Well, Wade Wilson as Deadpool is dead, or will be very soon, and a new Deadpool will step into his shoes.

Marvel has been telling us for a long time that Deadpool, who normally cannot be killed, will die. The reason for this is a villain named Death Grip.

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Essentially, Death Grip disabled Deadpool's healing abilities and invulnerability by using a Muramasa blade on him.

Actually, typical comic book stuff. Marvel Comics would no longer have Deadpool, but lo and behold, Wade Wilson's daughter Ellie will put on the red suit and take his place.

Ellie is only 14 years old and was trained by Taskmaster, so she is definitely suited for the job and will make her debut in Deadpool issue #7.

It all started when Death Grip wanted to see how much he could increase Wilson's healing factor, as he is obsessed with the idea of ​​death and immortality.

Now Deadpool will finally get the rest he deserves (for how long, who knows, comics, right?), and Ellie will be out for revenge, with Taskmaster coming along to continue the training.

Writer Cody Ziglar pretty much expressed that they wanted to shake things up, and what better way to start a new Deadpool story arc than by killing him off?

So Wade will die in issue #6 and Ellie will suit up in the next issue. Whether she has the same mouth as her dad remains to be seen.

Part of me hopes Marvel keeps Wade Wilson dead for a while. We all know he'll make a comeback, but these days character deaths are way too brief.

They lack the authority they once had, considering it seems as though someone is killed every other week.