
This is the most chaotic hockey fight ever in the Beer League, and every one of these clowns needs to retire

Fighting in men's leagues is generally a joke. Anyone who plays hockey in a beer league is a loser. I don't care if you played in college, played a brief stint as a junior, or didn't even make the power play lineup in high school. If you play hockey in a beer league, it's because there are at least hundreds of guys out there who are significantly better than you and still play competitively. At the same time, you're playing at 10:30 p.m. on Tuesday nights and have to get up at 5 a.m. the next morning to go to work.

But when you're fighting in a men's league, there's a way to do it at least somewhat honorably. You take off the gloves, have two willing fighters, and let some fists fly. You look like idiots who take the game way too seriously since literally no one else in the world cares about your men's league game, but at least there's still some sort of code for your nonsense.

What did we just see in this video? Well, none of those guys should ever be allowed to touch a surface of ice again. I mean, holy crap, all of those guys did society a disservice by not injuring each other to the point where they couldn't play anymore. The rule here should be pretty simple: anyone who hits their stick at another player's head is never allowed to play again. Seems like a rule that anyone can get behind and is pretty easy to enforce. You get banned from the game for the rest of eternity and can spend the rest of your life being thankful that for some reason you weren't charged with attempted murder.

I have no idea where this game is played, but all I know is that every single one of these players in this video is the biggest disgrace to ever step foot on the ice, and this rink should be avoided at all costs, if they haven't already banned every one of them from ever coming back.
