
WNY community members protest against the rape and murder case in Kolkata, India

Protesters around the world and here in Western New York are demanding justice for the victim of the rape and murder case in India.

WILLIAMSVILLE, NY — A young doctor in India was raped and murdered in the hospital where she worked, sparking outrage as far away as Williamsville.

Protesters around the world and here in Western New York want justice for the victim of the rape and murder case in India. They also want changes that will protect health care workers there from violence.

This protest was organized by Sanskirti Buffalo, a 40-year-old organization in western New York State.

According to the organizers, all participants in this latest protest are from or have connections to Kolkata, India, where the incident occurred.

According to the Associated Press, the attack took place in a government hospital. The protesters are demanding better and safer working conditions in India.

The protesters, especially women, are also demanding justice for the victim, who was training to be a doctor.

Shyamashree Sinaj says she experienced similar work situations over 20 years ago when she was a junior doctor in Kolkata at a different medical college but in the same city. She hopes policymakers will do something about it.

“I felt like I was in their shoes and asked myself what I would have done if that had happened to me. This is very moving for me, even after living and working in this country for so many years. I have worked here. I also trained here and I have seen so many differences in the training situation and the living situation for aspiring doctors here. I worked here as an assistant doctor. The situation here is very different and we need at least a suggestion of this in our country,” said Sinaj.

The protesters want to ensure that such a crime never happens again.

Earlier this week, India's Supreme Court set up a national task force of doctors to make recommendations on the safety of health workers.

This happened just days after the rape and murder of the young doctor sparked outrage and similar protests around the world, including here in Williamsville.