
California politicians praise new state-leading crime-fighting laws

Mayor Patricia Lock Dawson, City of Riverside: “I am grateful for the support of the Governor and the Legislature in combating rising retail and property crime. We cannot have prosperity without public safety. These laws will ensure our businesses and residents can thrive knowing that criminals will be held accountable.”

Mayor Farrah Khan, City of Irvine: “As the second largest city in Orange County, Irvine faces many challenges related to shoplifting and property theft. I fully support the Governor's decision to sign this landmark package of legislation to combat shoplifting and property crime. It is critical that we provide our police with the tools and resources necessary to effectively protect our community. These bills provide tough penalties for individuals involved in shoplifting and property theft. They strengthen existing laws to ensure that police can arrest shoplifting suspects with reasonable suspicion, even if they did not witness a crime. They allow the accumulation of stolen merchandise and create new penalties for criminals who damage stores and property in the course of committing a theft.”

Mayor Todd Gloria, Chair of the California Big City Mayors Coalition: “These new laws will help dismantle criminal schemes and protect businesses, workers and communities. As I said in my 2024 State of the City address, we should be locking up criminals, not laundry detergent. I thank the Governor and the Legislature for taking action to combat these crimes across our state. Organized shoplifting is a significant trend that must be reversed.”

Supervisor Hilda Solis, Los Angeles County: “I want to deeply thank Governor Gavin Newsom for signing a landmark, bipartisan package of legislation aimed at combating and reducing property and organized retail crime. This critical measure complements the $15 million the Governor has provided to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department to protect our communities and businesses from the devastating impacts of organized theft. These additional measures will not only support law enforcement efforts, but also victims, including many store owners and retail employees who work at the Nike Community Store in East Los Angeles and the Warehouse Shoe Sale in Highland Park – businesses that are continually impacted by retail crime. I appreciate the leadership of lawmakers in the Senate and Assembly who have taken swift action to make our state a safer place to live and work.”

Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer, Vice Chair of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors: “Stealing is wrong. These measures will crack down on organized retail theft rings, protect our local businesses, and keep consumers safe. They will prevent crime rings from selling stolen goods online and protect the small business owners I represent. On behalf of my constituents, I thank Governor Gavin Newsom and lawmakers for taking a tough stance on crime.”

Supervisor Luis Alejo, Monterey County: “I applaud Governor Newsom for demonstrating his leadership and commitment to public safety by signing the retail theft package. The tougher penalties for repeat offenders and organized retail crime will give our local businesses the support they deserve and hold those responsible accountable.”

Supervisor Susan Ellenberg, President of the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors: “The bipartisan approach proposed by lawmakers and signed by Governor Newsom adequately addresses the threats to our collective security by increasing penalties for organized shoplifting and the sale of dangerous, addictive and often deadly substances. This is a forward-thinking approach to issues that affect all Californians and shows that we have learned from failed mass incarceration and the misguided War on Drugs.”

Supervisor Joe Baca, San Bernardino County: “I commend the Governor and Legislature for their leadership in combating shoplifting and property crime across the state. This legislation will ensure our law enforcement and justice system have the tools necessary to hold criminals accountable. In San Bernardino County, we will continue to work tirelessly to protect businesses and keep our residents safe.”

Supervisor Felipe Hernandez, Vice Chairman of the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors: “I fully support statewide efforts to combat shoplifting and organized crime, and am grateful to our Governor, Speaker Robert Rivas, and legislators for standing up for Watsonville and Santa Cruz County businesses and law enforcement. To protect our vibrant communities, we need strong laws that give our local law enforcement and prosecutors the ability to hold criminals accountable for property crimes and shoplifting.”

Supervisor Kelly Long, Chair of the Ventura County Board of Supervisors: “I support nationwide efforts to combat shoplifting and organized crime, and appreciate our legislators standing up for our local businesses and law enforcement. We need strong laws to better help law enforcement and prosecutors protect communities and hold criminals accountable.”

Mayor Randy Rowse, City of Santa Barbara: “I am pleased that the Governor has recognized our current situation and is taking this proactive stance. While retail has been hurt, so have communities that have lost small and large scale retailers due to previous legislation that stripped away many of the protections taxpayers count on. If we move forward, the Governor's anti-crime package will yield immediate dividends and begin the path back to the community standards we all expect and deserve.”

Mayor Gil Hurtado, City of South Gate: “Our hardworking business owners have enough to contend with without having to deal with individuals who get away with crimes too easily. They asked for help and now they're getting it. Thank you to the bipartisan group of leaders and stakeholders who worked with our governor to make this possible. Thank you, Governor Newsom, for your leadership.”

Mayor Thomas Wong, City of Monterey Park: “I applaud the actions of the Governor and the Legislature to urgently address the increase in retail and property crime in our communities. We look forward to continuing to work closely with our regional and state partners to keep our communities safe and support our local economy.”

Mayor Ulises Cabrera, City of Moreno Valley: “I applaud the governor and legislature for acting so quickly to combat shoplifting and property crime. These new laws send a clear message that offenders will be held accountable and face consequences for their actions. California continues to lead the way with forward-looking policies that make our communities safer.”

Council Member Nelson Esparza, City of Fresno: “I greatly appreciate Governor Newsom's initiative to combat shoplifting and property crime. This package of legislation provides much-needed support to business owners, customers and communities in the Central Valley and across California. It sends a strong message of accountability and reassures businesses and individuals alike that California is committed to their safety and well-being.”