
CircuitPython 9.2.0 Alpha 2351 released! « Adafruit Industries – Makers, Hackers, Artists, Designers and Engineers!

From the GitHub release page:

That is CircuitPython 9.2.0-alpha.2351an alpha version for 9.2.0. It has significant known bugs and will include additional additions and fixes before the final release of 9.2.0.

WARNING for nRF52 boards only: If your board has an nRF52 UF2 bootloader with a version earlier than 0.6.1, you will not be able to load CircuitPython 8.2.0 and above due to the larger firmware size. See these instructions to update your bootloader.

Highlights of this version

  • Fix the Adafruit FunHouse build that wasn't working.
  • Correct pins for Adafruit Feather ESP32-C6.
  • Prevents crashes or hangs on nRF boards when the VM is stopped and BLE is not running.
  • Lots of new RP2350 boards.
  • Update to Espressif ESP-IDF V5.3.
  • Merge MicroPython updates from v1.22.2.

Important changes in 9.2.0 compared to 9.1.x

  • Raspberry Pi RP2350 support.
  • Update to Espressif ESP-IDF V5.3.
  • Merge MicroPython updates from v1.22.2.

Download from

Firmware downloads are available from the download page. The site makes it easy to select the correct file and language for your board.


To install, follow the instructions in the Welcome to CircuitPython! guide. For information on installing the latest libraries, see this page in this guide.

Try the latest version of the Mu Editor for creating and editing your CircuitPython programs and for easy access to the CircuitPython serial connection (REPL).


Documentation is available at

Port status

CircuitPython has a number of “ports” that are the core implementations for different microcontroller families. Stability varies by port. As of this release, these ports are considered stable (but see “Known Issues” below):

  • atmel-samd: Microchip SAMD21, SAMx5x
  • cxd56: Sony Xperia Z5 Premium
  • espressif: Espressif ESP32, ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3, ESP32-C2, ESP32-C3, ESP32-C6
  • nordic: nRF52840, nRF52833
  • raspberrypi: Raspberry Pi RP2040, RP2350
  • stm: ST STM32F4 chip family

These ports are considered alpha and have bugs and missing features:

  • broadcom: Raspberry Pi boards like RPi 4, RPi Zero 2W
  • litex: fomu
  • mimxrt10xx: NXP i.MX RT10xxx
  • renode: Hardware Simulator
  • silabs: Silicon Labs MG24 family
  • stm: ST chip families without STM32F4

Changes since 9.2.0-alpha.2350

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Correctly print the stdio type name. #9544. Thanks, @timdechant.
  • aurora_epaper Display support. #9488. Thanks @wyrdsec.
  • Merged from MicroPython version v1.22.2. #9469. Thanks, @dhalbert.

Port and board specific changes



  • Update to ESP-IDF v5.3. #9526. Thanks @tannewt.
  • Fix Espressif startup. #9512. Thanks @tannewt.



  • Reduce power consumption in idle mode by PinAlarm. #9534. Thanks @Sola85.
  • Prevents crashes or hangs when shutting down the VM if BLE is not running. #9453. Thanks, @dhalbert.



  • Use Pico SDK style interrupt names. #9520. Thanks, @tannewt.
  • Enable PIO USB host on RP2350. #9514. Thanks @tannewt.
  • Activate rgbmatrix on RP2350. #9513. Thanks @tannewt.
  • Add support for additional UART pins on RP2350 (UART_AUX capability). #9500. Thanks @tannewt.





Individual boards

  • Pin fixes for Adafruit Feather ESP32-C6. #9525, #9475. Thanks @dhalbert.
  • Adafruit FunHouse: Fix hang when starting WiFi. #9546, #9545. Thanks, @tannewt.
  • Pimoroni Tiny 2040: Add board.BUTTON. #9531. Thanks @tannewt and @ZodiusInfuser.

Changes in the documentation

  • fix _bleio Signatures. #9540. Thanks @elpekenin.
  • Fix ReadTheDocs build. #9466. Thanks @jepler.

Build and infrastructure changes

  • Remove unused error messages and consolidate others. #9516 Thanks, @tannewt.
  • Switch back to the upstream TinyUSB submodule. #9499. Thanks, @tannewt.

Translation additions and improvements

  • Thanks for the translations:
    • @andibing (English – UK)
    • @hexthat (Chinese – Pinyin)
    • @wtuemura (Portuguese – Brazil)

New boards since 9.2.0-alpha.2350

  • Adafruit Vindie S2. #9518. Thanks @BlitzCityDIY.
  • Cytron IRIV IO controller. #9509, #9497. Thanks @CytronTechnologies.
  • Espressif ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1-N16. This version has no PSRAM. #9512. Thanks @tannewt.
  • LILYGO T-Watch S3. #9480. Thanks @bill88t.
  • Pimoroni Pico Plus 2. #9531. Thanks @tannewt and @ZodiusInfuser.
  • Pimoroni PGA2350. #9531. Thanks @tannewt and @ZodiusInfuser.
  • Pimoroni Plasma 2350. #9531. Thanks @tannewt and @ZodiusInfuser.
  • Pimoroni Tiny RP2350. #9531. Thanks @tannewt and @ZodiusInfuser.
  • SparkFun Pro Micro 2350. #9515. Thanks @tannewt.
  • Unexpected Maker OMGS3. #9522. Thanks @UnexpectedMaker.
  • Unexpected Maker TGB Touch Mini. #9522. Thanks @UnexpectedMaker.

Known issues

  • For more issues, including issues that still need to be resolved, see:


Thanks to everyone who has used, tested, and contributed since 9.2.0-alpha.2350, including the contributors listed above and many others on GitHub and Discord. Join us in the Discord chat to contribute.

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