
Donella Drive from San Antonio play benefit concert to finance new album and videos | San Antonio

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Courtesy of Donella Drive

Donella Drive from San Antonio are working on finishing a new album.

Adventurous, metal-influenced rock trio Donella Drive are performing a benefit concert this Saturday to raise money for the costs of mixing and mastering a new album and releasing more music videos.

The San Antonio band will headline a show at Crows, located in the same complex east of downtown as The Rock Box. Also on the evening's lineup are Vintage Pictures and Rover USA.

Donella Drive plans to release the album, which bassist Andrew Salazar describes as “chaotic and super diverse,” in November. Previous releases showcased the band's ability to deliver riff-driven rock songs with catchy choruses and forays into the world of psychedelia, dub and jazz grooves.

The group will release videos in late October that include animations by Peter Karpick, former art director for Cartoon Networks Swimming for adultsplus artwork by James “Gunsho” Quigley, who has created images for Ozzy Osbourne, Andrew WK and Malibu Ken.

$5, Saturday, Aug. 24, 7 p.m., Crows, 1223 E. Houston St., (210) 803-2101,

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