
Former high school football star from Temecula paralyzed after neck injury

TEMECULA, Calif. (KABC) — A former Temecula High School football star who began his college career at Palomar College suffered a devastating spinal injury that left him paralyzed. according to a KABC report.

KABC reported that 20-year-old Jason Pugal sustained the injury while training at Chadron State College in Nebraska, where he transferred after his time at San Diego County.

“He was at a practice, a scrimmage, and he had a collision. He tackled a receiver and unfortunately he suffered a fracture in his neck,” Pugal's father, Mark Pugal, told KABC.

Jason was informed that he had sustained a fracture of the sixth cervical vertebra C-6.

“Our hearts are very heavy and we are all trying to remain as hopeful and faithful as our son, because he is a truly remarkable human being,” his father said.

Jason played high school football at Great Oak High School in Temecula. He has four younger brothers.

Jason is the oldest of five brothers and a former standout football player at Great Oak High School in Temecula.

“When you play football as a youngster, you never get to play with your brother, you're just on the same team,” Kyle Pugal, one of the brothers, told KABC. “Going out on the field with your brothers in high school is an experience that not many get to have. I enjoyed my experience with Jason.”

Kyle says his older brother remains his role model. Despite the career-ending injury, Jason remains positive, he says.

“I know he remains super strong and he still inspires me with the words he tells me and his hope. He keeps affirming that he will walk again, that he will be on his feet,” Jason's father said.

After the injury, emergency responders flew Jason to a South Dakota hospital for emergency surgery, KABC reported. His mother and wife were by his side during the procedure.

“Since the operation, he has a little more freedom of movement in his lower body,” his father said. “He still can't feel anything from his chest down, but he can feel his left hand a lot more and he can move it a little.”

The Pugal family is raising money to bring Jason home for the next phase of his rehab. The family's GoFundMe campaign has already raised nearly $60,000. KABC reported that the flight back to California would cost $28,000.

“We're just hoping and praying that we can get him to San Diego or Southern California where we can start his rehabilitation and we can all be here to support him,” Mark Pugal said.

Despite career-ending injury, Chadron State says it will maintain his football scholarship

Jason's injury likely ended his football career at Chadron State. Still, the college says it will honor his football scholarship if he is able to return to campus.

Meanwhile, the family says the overwhelming support from the community and their faith have given them comfort as they cope with this new reality.

“Although his body is broken, we are thrilled that his spirit is strong,” his father said.

You can follow this link to donate to Pugal's GoFundMe.