
Palestinians with signs of torture released from Israeli prisons

More than 40 Palestinian prisoners were released from Israeli prisons showing signs of torture [Getty]

Israeli authorities on Thursday evening released more than 40 Palestinian prisoners from jails in Israel and the occupied West Bank who showed visible signs of torture, the Palestinian news agency said. Wafa reported.

The prisoners were released at the Thaheriyya military checkpoint south of Hebron, outside Ofer Prison and near the Salem military base.

Palestinian prisoner groups, including the Palestinian Prisoner's Society (PPS), said many of those released from Ketziot prison in the Naqab (Negev) desert suffered from skin diseases due to poor conditions in the prisons.

Accordingly WafaThe first published photos of the prisoners showed clear signs of mistreatment. Many of them looked emaciated due to hunger and food deprivation.

Some of those released from prison were transferred to hospitals immediately after their release.

Several news agencies reported that earlier this week, around 25 Palestinian prisoners from Gaza were released on Tuesday and immediately taken to Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis for treatment after being held in captivity for months in “inhumane” conditions.

A video showed detainees arriving at the Karam Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) border crossing wearing ragged clothes, looking gaunt and pale, and with bandages around their heads.

A man named Walid Ibrahim Habib had severe injuries to his arms and legs.

Medical sources told local media that the recently released prisoners were subjected to severe torture, including continuous beatings and electric shocks.

Many of the detainees had cuts on their arms, presumably from handcuffs. Former detainees reported being shackled for months, resulting in injuries so horrific that some Palestinians had to have limbs amputated.

Since the start of Israel's war on Gaza, more than 10,000 Palestinians have been arrested by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank, Palestinian prisoner groups and officials said.

Many prisoners are regularly denied adequate food, water and medical care and are beaten.

Israel has released a small group of detainees, including journalists, medical workers and other civilians, while others, without access to lawyers or human rights groups, face cruel treatment, including rape and torture resulting in death.

According to the Israeli Health Ministry, at least 40,265 Palestinians have been killed in Israel's war on Gaza since October 7.