
After failed double eyelid surgery, a Chinese woman suffers from blurred vision and hair loss

Zhang explained that she felt discomfort in her eyes during the operation and later discovered that her left eyeball and the corner of her eye had been sewn together.

“In November 2021, I underwent surgery on both eyelids because the outer corners of my eyes were uneven. The doctor said he would make some corrections, but when he was stitching, I felt discomfort in my eyeball,” Zhang said.

Zhang was so traumatized by her ordeal that she now suffers from depression and hair loss. Photo: Weibo

“After the stitches were removed, I noticed a thread-like connection between my eyeball and the corner of my eye. The surgeon, hospital director Wang, assured me that it was nothing serious and offered me another operation to separate the two.”

However, her condition worsened and her eye became inflamed.

One week later, the tissues grow together again, significantly limiting the mobility of her left eye and causing permanent blurred vision.

Zhang now relies on eye drops and can only move her eye by turning her head.

She tried to negotiate with the clinic to cover the cost of corrective surgery at a larger hospital in Shanghai, but the clinic insisted that the problem could be solved locally at a lower cost.

“I told Wang that I could not continue like this, but he insisted that it was a simple operation that could be done in Weifang for only 1,000 to 2,000 yuan (US$140 to US$280).

“He said, 'If you don't feel comfortable with it, do it. If not, just leave it as it is,'” Zhang said.

“I asked for 30,000 yuan back, but he said that was too much. He only offered 10,000 yuan, which was not enough to cover my travel expenses to Shanghai. He also kept delaying the payment, and now two years have passed.”

Zhang admitted that her mental health had also suffered from the stress. She had developed depression and was suffering from severe hair loss.

According to Sohu Video, Weifang Medical Beauty Clinic has not commented on the situation.

Zhang's case and her post-surgery photos have frightened many people on social media in the mainland.

During the botched operation, one of Zhang's eyeballs was sewn to the corner of his eye. Photo: Weibo

“I can feel the pain just reading this,” one person said.

“The needle going through the eyeball is really horrible. It's a miracle she didn't go blind,” said another.

Similar mistakes in cosmetic surgery had caused a stir on the Internet.

In February 2021, Chinese actress Gao Liu showed on Weibo her botched nose job at a clinic in Guangzhou.

As a result of the failed case, she lost job opportunities and faces a contractual penalty of two million yuan (US$280,000).

In July, an influencer in China named Qin Xinyu complained about his botched nose job and wrote a song about it called Give me back the nose that mom gave methat went viral.