
Man is brutally punished in Las Vegas Fantasy Football

A man is going viral after being hit with a pretty brutal fantasy football punishment.

The NFL season is almost here, and that means we’re going to see plenty of fantasy football content through the end of the regular season.

Admittedly, I don’t play fantasy football anymore. I understand that’s an insanely taboo thing to say, but I no longer got a rush from it and just stopped.

However, I understand and appreciate why so many people enjoy it…..unless they’re losing and being punished in Las Vegas.

Man’s fantasy football punishment goes viral.

A man took to Reddit to explain his situation and ask for some help. To call it a tough punishment would definitely be an understatement.

“So I lost my fantasy football league last year and the punishment is I have to show up to our Vegas draft a day early with no hotel room and only $20. Any recommendations on cheap / free things I can do while there? Or ways to get some free play or free drinks / food? Or where the cheapest tables are? Any advice is much appreciated,” Reddit user Chexmix17 wrote in a now mega-viral post.

Surviving on only $20 and in Las Vegas without a hotel room is brutal. I just got back from Vegas (full recap coming at some point this weekend), and it’s as expensive as it’s ever been.

Fortunately, people are coming in with plenty of suggestions. Check out some of the responses below, and let me know your thoughts at [email protected]:

  • Find a players club sign up promo that you get free play. Use that money to fund the tips for the free drinks. Get very drunk and just walk around.
  • El cortez gives you a free drink at the bar and $10-20 to gamble with if you show a boarding pass. Stagecoach bar has a beer and hotdog for $2.
  • If you were coming by plane, you could just hang out at the airport. Plenty of hiding spots to sleep and people won’t bother you there.
  • Just make a sign explaining your situation and go down to fremont. You will be rich in an hour.
  • Go to Fontainebleau and get a players card. Use the $15 free play on video poker. Hopefully cash out for $10-20 after playing through $15 worth of spins. Then use the $15 F&B credit on Nachos in the food court. Big enough for a hearty meal and only $10 with no protein added. Then walk across to slots o fun and drink 10 $2 Heinekens.
  • $1 beers, $3 beer and hotdog or $10 bottle of vodka at stage door. $3.50 shot and a beer at downtown grand $10 min Freeplay showing your boarding pass at El Cortez $15 Freeplay and $15 food for signing up for a card at FontaineBleau $10 steak special at Ellis Island
  • Sounds like you need to find some of those timeshare people that give you free stuff if you sit through their 3-hour presentation.

Here's probably something worth mentioning in this situation: How is anyone supposed to know if this guy is actually going to stick at $20?

If he's alone, why can't he just bring more money and do whatever he wants? Will someone be standing around constantly, monitoring him?

I doubt it. I doubt it very much. That said, if we're going by the rules of cruel fantasy football punishment, then Stage Door – a bar that will play a major role in my recap – is going to be his best friend. For $3, you get a pretty large hot dog and a beer. Is it a good idea to eat four hot dogs in one day? Probably not, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

Other than that, I really have no advice on how to survive in Las Vegas on only $20. It seems like an impossible task, but I wish him luck. He's going to need it. Let me know what you think at [email protected].