
You can get a job on LinkedIn without applying. Here's how

LinkedIn is a powerful tool. From connecting with people in your field to finding freelance work through posts, LinkedIn has become a great way to find a job. However, applying to jobs randomly on LinkedIn isn't the only way to get hired. In my experience, posting on LinkedIn, using popular hashtags, messaging well-connected people, contacting hiring managers, and posting in networking groups are all more effective ways to find a job.

In 2022, I participated in two fellowships that I got by applying through LinkedIn. Unlike many other job openings, these fellowships did not have thousands of applicants. Since then, I have landed three jobs through networking on LinkedIn. It's important to note that I did not apply for my last three jobs. I posted on LinkedIn multiple times a day, networked with other journalists and communications professionals, and even researched which hashtags to use to get the most engagement – but that's not all. That's how I got hired through LinkedIn without applying to a single job.

Write a meaningful post

This is one of the best ways to get a job through LinkedIn. You may not have many followers, connections, or experience on LinkedIn. Don't worry, I have some great advice for you. Start by composing a post in the notes section of your phone. You don't want to write a long post and then accidentally delete the draft. Make sure you start the post with an attention-grabbing sentence.

For example, if I'm job hunting, I'll say something like, “Please repost to support a Black and neurodiverse woman looking for a job.” People are more likely to repost something that immediately grabs their attention. You want to get people on LinkedIn to stop scrolling. That first sentence will determine whether your post resonates.

And don't forget to use commonly used hashtags. This includes hashtags related to your field of work. Be sure to choose general hashtags that are commonly used. Hashtags like #linkedin #linkedincommunity and #jobhunt will get more people to see your post.

Contact HR managers

Follow hashtags like #hiring #hiringnow and #hiringmanager. When a hiring manager posts and uses one of these hashtags, job openings will appear in your feed. After following these hashtags, be sure to reach out to hiring managers. Search for the job title you want and see who is hiring. Sometimes the hiring manager's name will be listed under the job posting. Apply for the position, then add the hiring manager on LinkedIn. Send them a quick message to express your interest in the position and ask when they're available for a phone call.

If you send them a message and don't get a response, be sure to follow up. Sometimes following up can make a big difference and even determine whether you get a job or not. If a recruiter doesn't respond after two attempts, don't follow up again. In addition to reaching out to hiring managers, you can also reach out to mutual friends in your industry.

Make a list of everyone you know who works in the same field as you. Then see how many of them are hiring managers. If none of them are hiring managers, that's OK. Call a mutual friend who works in a management position at a company that hires. When you ask for a phone call, never ask for a job – ask for advice. If the mutual friend likes you, they may refer you to the hiring manager.

Post in network groups

It can be scary to put yourself out there in a public group on social media. But my fearlessness has been my biggest advantage on LinkedIn. There's no shame in posting that you're job hunting. Whether on your page or in a group, telling people you're job hunting is the best way to get work. I'm in several networking groups for journalists and communications professionals. I've found that posts on my personal page tend to get more engagement than posts in networking groups.

However, that's not always the case. The more active the group, the more likely you are to get engagement. If you post in groups with thousands of people, you're likely to get responses. Just like a post on your page, a post in a networking group should start with a strong first sentence. If your post isn't getting much engagement, try a different group. Don't be discouraged if your posts don't get engagement at first. Do a little research on the most popular hashtags and networking groups on LinkedIn.

So now you know what to do to get a job on LinkedIn without even applying. There's no guarantee this will work for you, but it definitely worked for me. If you're tired of applying to job after job on LinkedIn, maybe it's time to do less applying and more networking. Increase your chances of getting hired by making calls, meeting people, and posting on LinkedIn. Follow these simple steps and you may have more success in your job search.