
Suga appears for questioning in drunk driving case after media trolls itself, releases more video footage – Asian Junkie

Fortunately, nothing significant has happened recently in the case of Suga's drunk drivingbut there are some updates, one of which is actually quite amusing.


Let us start with this point, because hundreds of Vultures circle prey Reporters were left in the lurch yesterday when one of them reported that Suga was going to show up for his police questioning. Everyone in the photos below rushed to show up and then… well, he didn’t show up because no one said he would be there, and HYBE later clarified that he was not present and had never claimed to be.


Look, man, I'm not going to apologize for drunk driving or whatever, but some kind of police lineup like he's Seungri or Yoochun or something is just ridiculous, man.


Anyway, Suga finally appeared today and had to face the media, where he gave a brief statement and faced questioning.

When he arrived at the police station, Suga bowed his head and apologized to the press. “First of all, I am very sorry. I am sincerely sorry for causing great disappointment to many fans and many others. I will sincerely cooperate with the investigation. Again, I am sorry.”

That's basically all he can do at the moment.

Also, new surveillance footage was released today by Yonhap News that appears to show Suga departing rather than arriving. And it actually shows more of what people were probably worried about when driving a motor vehicle while drunk.

Like the outcome matters, and the fact that nobody got hurt and he was just caught driving slowly is good and important. But you still want to hold people accountable for it, and so should the fans. I doubt this is the first time he's done this, and aside from potentially risking property damage or injury to others, I'd be much more concerned that he would have ended up hurting himself. One of those collisions with a larger vehicle off the side of the road wouldn't be surprising, given how drunk he was reportedly, so it's fortunate that he only ended up tipping over a little.

Also, I'm not sure why people were acting like Suga was rehabilitated or something in the last post. What happened was that JTBC screwed up and he's no longer lying about a lot of stuff at the worst and being one of those celebs who took out a power grid and/or committed a hit and run. This is good for him and everyone. Like I said, the optics are certainly better for him now and this should help him recover from this, but people acting like everything is fine now or something and being happy about it are just as weird as the ones trying to pillory him. You don't have to go to extremes every update, I promise.