
Newsmax on Trump Alina Habba: Kamala Harris “lousy lawyer”

Newsmax presenter Greg Kelly said Trump's campaign manager and personal lawyer Alina Habba this Vice President Kamala Harris is a “lousy lawyer”.

The Democratic National Convention (DNC) dominated the news and cable television all week and culminated on Thursday night with a widely praised acceptance speech from the Vice President. Kamala Harris.

On Thursday evening output by Newsmax TV Greg Kelly reportsHabba – the losing lawyer in the fraud trial that resulted in a verdict that could cost Trump over $460 million if appeals are unsuccessful – joined Kelly and co-host Mercedes Schlapp for the live coverage of the evening shortly before the Vice President's speech.

Schlapp invited Habba to evaluate Harris' abilities as a prosecutor, but Habba took a different approach. Kelly balanced the criticism by calling the former senator and attorney general of California a “lousy lawyer”:

MERCEDES SCHLAPP: This is Alina Habba, senior adviser to President Trump. Thank you for being with us. And, Alina, you were obviously in these rooms with Donald Trump when these terrible prosecutors were going after Donald Trump.

We saw tonight that they paraded prosecutors who were critical of President Trump and obviously trying to prove that Kamala Harris was a strong prosecutor. That's your take on that.

ALINA HABBA: Among them was Tish James, with whom I had been working for the Trump Organization for almost three years, when she made false allegations against my client.

You see, that was an absolute disgrace.

As a woman, as an American, and as a child of immigrants, I can say that I heard absolutely nothing about the policy. I heard a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome from every speaker out there who was not a member of the real American people.

We see actors and actresses from California, people who know nothing about politics. We just saw Eva Longoria. That's the best thing before Kamala Harris.

And one thing I don't hear as a woman is: What are you going to do for my children? What are you going to do as an American about the price of gas and the price of food? And how are you going to protect my children from the borders that you opened?

This is not about a newcomer to the party. This is someone we know well. And frankly, I have heard very little, very little, almost nothing about the politics and a whole lot of hatred for a place that is supposedly about joy.

GREG KELLY: You know, you're really remarkable. What a great advocate for President Trump!

And this person, Kamala Harris, is a terrible lawyer. And she's a terrible advocate. I mean, and every American has probably seen that at some point.

Watch above via Newsmax TV's Greg Kelly reports.

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