
AISA: Morgan Academy quarterback dies after game injury – The Selma Times‑Journal

AISA: Morgan Academy quarterback dies after game injury

Published on Saturday, August 24, 2024, 11:42 am

According to the Alabama Independent Schools Association, Morgan Academy quarterback Caden Tellier has died as a result of an injury he sustained on the field during Friday's game.

Michael McLendon of AISA made the following statement.

“We are heartbroken by the tragic loss of Morgan Academy football player Caden Tellier.

“At AISA, we are a close-knit school family and our hearts are heavy as we extend our deepest condolences and prayers to Caden's family, friends, and the entire Morgan Academy community. This loss is unimaginable and we stand with them in their grief.

“We fully support Morgan Academy’s decision to suspend all school activities this week and give the community time to come together, reflect and support one another during this heartbreaking time.

“As a small school, Morgan Academy feels this tragedy more acutely than ever before, and the Alabama Independent School Association stands ready to provide all the support and resources needed to assist students in their grief.

“We ask our entire AISA family and the people of Alabama to join us in praying for peace and comfort for Caden’s family and the Morgan Academy community as they go through this difficult time of grief.”

Michael McLendon

AISA Managing Director