
Applicant cries during a job interview after the boss asks him a personal question

We never know what someone really goes through in life – what responsibilities they have, what obstacles they have had to overcome, what people they have lost.

A candidate could not hold back his tears during an interview after the boss asked him a personal question.

The single father documented his experience on TikTok and spoke openly about the issues he is currently facing. Kameron Wagner, a single father from Michigan, posted a video of himself driving in his car after the interview, still with tears in his eyes.

“They asked me a very personal question and I lost my composure and I'm still crying about it,” he said.

The recruiters told him his application looked great and started asking him deeper questions, asking him who he looked up to and what he regretted in his life and what he would undo if he could.

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“It kind of choked me up… I said my daughter,” he said, bursting into tears. “I just started crying… The last few months have been so hard. I said my daughter helps me every day. I said if it weren't for her, I wouldn't be such a nice person.”

He showed the interviewers a photo of his daughter and they told him she was beautiful. When they asked him what he regretted in life, he replied that sometimes he lacked patience and wished he could take back those impatient moments. The interviewers assured him that it was OK to be vulnerable and admired his values.

“It's going to be OK. Let it out,” someone commented on his video. “It's unbelievable how a simple question can shake you to your core. Then you break. Heal and move on. Be the support you need for your daughter.”

Wagner emphasized to the interviewers that he needed this job.

He openly told interviewers that he was unemployed at the moment. He said that in his current situation, he was “about to lose everything.”

“I said, 'I'm a very respectful person; I don't drink,'” Wagner repeated. “I said, 'You can count on me every day.'”

In another video, he explained his situation while sitting at home, revealing that he only had $300 left in his account. He explained that he had bills to pay soon and also had to pay for groceries for his daughter. He said that he hardly eats anything himself and usually only eats his daughter's leftovers. He then showed the single room he and his daughter live in together. It consists of a bed, a television, a mini-fridge, his daughter's toys, a dilapidated dresser, and a picture of him and his daughter taped to the wall.

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“I was trying to start my life over,” Wagner said. “This is all I have. I'm really trying my best, and I have no family; I have a brother. My mothers died; my grandparents died. I'm just ashamed; I'm embarrassed. I hope I get the job.”

In fact, Wagner is not alone in his plight. A recent study found that single parents are more likely to experience financial difficulties that force them to make sacrifices to meet their children's basic needs, including going without food. The stress of childcare and overwhelming bills mean that single parents in financial difficulty are more likely to experience “isolation, anxiety, depression, paranoia, and suicidal thoughts.”

He explained that the position he was hoping to hear back about was a city position with a high-$20s-an-hour wage and biweekly pay, which would help him tremendously.

TikTokers took to the comments to express their hopes and prayers that he gets the job, and they honored him for being strong enough to express his feelings. His experience, and the way interviewers and viewers responded to his candor, proves that vulnerability brings strength and dignity.

The audience showed their support for Wagner and joined together to make a difference in his life.

The father's experience unfortunately also reflects the reality of many other low-income or struggling families who find themselves in difficult situations and are doing everything they can to get by.

His vulnerability and resilience are exemplary of a father who truly wants the best for his daughter and will do anything to achieve it. Sometimes we just need that extra support from communities that care about us.

Commenters reached out to reassure him that no one would judge him, asking for his Venmo and Cash App information, and also asking him to set up a GoFundMe and Amazon wish list for himself and his daughter so they could help give them a better life.

In a new video, the father and his daughter happily showed off all the gifts and household items that the online community had sent them together. He thanked everyone for their great compassion and support.

“Hard times pass, tough people remain,” one person commented. “This is your little setback for your big comeback. God bless you, you can do it.”

Despite the violence and hatred that surrounds us in the world, our communities always give one another boundless love, hope, and support. No matter how lost, stuck, or lonely you feel, trust that there are people who will come together to help those in need.

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Francesca Duarte is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team based in Orlando, FL. She covers lifestyle, human issues, adventure and spirituality.