
Trial against Felix postponed again

By PRISCILLA WAGGONER, Courier reporter

ALAMOSA — Mari Felix appeared in court earlier this week for another hearing on a charge of aiding and abetting a crime, a Class 5 felony, in connection with the alleged sexual abuse of a child by her husband, Martin Felix-Lopez.

In mid-July, when Felix last appeared in court, it was hoped that Wednesday's hearing would determine whether the case would go to trial or whether a resolution had been reached. But at the time, Felix's attorney, Michael Martin, said prosecutors had “brought in an attorney who specifically handles cases like this.”

Martin was referring to the recent hiring of Assistant District Attorney Wesley Stafford.

He added: “I believe this will facilitate a likely solution.”

Stafford, who appeared in court on Wednesday and was connected to Martin via Webex, told the court he had not yet had time to review the case.

District Judge Crista Newmyer-Olsen agreed to postpone the hearing “once again” and set the next court date for September 3 at 3:30 p.m. She also made it clear that by that time she expected “Ms. Felix to either plead not guilty or for both parties to have reached a settlement in the case.”

In mid-December 2022, Mari Felix was taken into custody after one of her children told a school counselor about a history of sexual abuse by Martin Felix-Lopez, Felix's husband.

At the time, Felix was charged with four counts of aiding and abetting the sexual assault of a child and child abuse. However, in early January 2023, District Attorney Anne Kelly reduced the charges against Felix to a single count of aiding and abetting a crime, a class five felony.

When asked to comment on the reduced charges, District Attorney Kelly declined, saying the case is currently pending and she could not provide details.

Mari Felix has served as Alamosa County Clerk and Recorder since July 2022, when she was appointed to the position following the resignation of her predecessor, Nicole Jaramillo. Just months later, Felix, who ran unopposed, was elected to the office.