
Volunteers help The Chattery after devastating fire | Must-see videos

On August 4, the Chattery building was severely damaged by fire.

Since then, 21-year-old Michael Potter has been arrested for arson.

On Saturday, August 23, the nonprofit organization conducted a cleanup in the community.

Dozens of volunteers selflessly donated their time, picking up the rubble from The Chattery and disposing of anything damaged by the August 4 fire.

“The goal for today is to get everything out. So we can't keep anything. It was a plastic fire that basically ruined everything in our space. So everything has to go,” said Jennifer Holder, co-founder of The Chattery.

The Chattery co-founders Jennifer Holder and Shawanda Mason say they have been able to continue offering educational courses thanks to the Edney Innovation Center and Common House, which have opened their doors.

Hoping to reopen their space within a year, forty people have signed up to help them get back on track.

“It's a little overwhelming, but it also gives us a warm, comfortable feeling that people are so helpful and getting up on a Saturday morning to help us clean up, recover and rebuild,” Shawanda Mason said.

“When you think about the different challenges in a person’s life, the only way to overcome them is to work together with your community,” says volunteer Kelly Skinner.

Kelly Skinner was one of many volunteers wearing masks to avoid inhaling toxic residue.

She says she works with the Common House and knows firsthand what The Chattery means to people in the community who are working to educate themselves and improve their lives.

“I mean, every little bit helps. Sometimes it's just coming by and clearing a spot, sometimes it's a monetary donation, sometimes it's sharing space, and sometimes it's just reaching out and saying we care about you and we care about what you do,” Skinner said.

While the road to recovery won't be easy and won't happen overnight, the owners remain optimistic. With the community by their side, nothing can stop them.

“I mean, we are more than … we are a community. I think that's the message we want to convey,” Holder said.

“That's the reason we exist … to promote lifelong learning. And we'll continue to do that. A fire won't stop us,” Mason said.

If you are interested in helping The Chattery rebuild, you can find this information on Your website.