
Despite Jim Harbaugh “dodging a bullet,” he welcomes Chargers players’ elevator incident

In a dramatic turn of events, Los Angeles Chargers head coach Jim Harbaugh recounted a harrowing but also unifying experience for his team. After their season-clinching win over the Dallas Cowboys, Harbaugh recounted how 11 or 12 Chargers players, including star quarterback Justin Herbert, were stuck in an elevator for two hours.

Harbaugh described the incident to reporters during the post-game press conference as follows: “dodge a bullet”, as he stressed the potential danger they faced. He praised the composure of the players, especially Herbert, who ensured that everyone remained calm. “Justin Herbert is a leader. He was a rock in the storm.” Harbaugh cited rookie cornerback Tarheeb Still. The coach emphasized the unity and resilience the team has shown during this ordeal and believes it has strengthened camaraderie.

The incident occurred at the Westin Hotel in Dallas, where the elevator became stuck between the third and 15th floors. The Dallas Fire Department was called to the scene and successfully rescued the trapped people by lifting them through the ceiling slab into a neighboring elevator. Harbaugh thanked the rescue team and invited them to the Chargers' dining room after the rescue.

This unexpected event added a unique chapter to the Chargers' preseason and showcased their ability to handle adversity both on and off the field. Harbaugh's reflections on the incident underscored the importance of leadership and teamwork, traits that will undoubtedly benefit the Chargers in the upcoming season.

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