
The Evansville Museum is hosting a Geek Con on Saturday

EVANSVILLE, Ind. (WFIE) – Saturday was a big day for all the self-proclaimed nerds in the tri-state area.

Geek Con began at the Evansville Museum of Arts, History & Science.

For one day, the Evansville Museum shed its polished aesthetic and opened its doors to some real characters.

It was the 8th year of Geek Con and museum officials estimate that between 200 and 300 people attended.

They hope it will give people the opportunity to experience the museum while enjoying some of their own favorite things.

“You get fans of all kinds of things,” said Monti Floyd, Comic Quest's manager. “Comics, anime, horror, all that, and now they're here in a whole different place with different genres and stuff. It's pretty cool.”

The artists present say that the event means a lot to them too.

Museum officials say 38 different vendors came, showcasing a range of items and fandoms. They say events like Geek Con are an important part of their work.

“It's a way to showcase your work. It's a way to connect with and build a potential audience,” said local artist Todd Fox.

“No matter how big or small one of these shows is, there are always at least one or two people who have what I call a discovery experience,” says Rocko Jerome, comedian and producer.

There were several discussion sessions throughout the day, including one in the museum’s immersion theater.

Those who came, and especially those who dressed up, say it means a lot to them to be surrounded by people who share their interests.

“It's just amazing to be around so many people who share the same thing. It just feels good and cozy,” said cosplayer Dylan Beals.

The museum remained open during Geek Con, which was held during regular business hours, and admission to the con included admission to the museum.

The event ended with a cosplay contest. Participants said the event was worth it even if they didn't win.

“It was nice, I met wonderful people and saw wonderful cosplays,” said cosplayer Andrew Vanover. “Maybe I made some friends here too.”

The museum staff were keen to showcase the winner of the cosplay contest. She was dressed as an original character she had designed and built from scratch, which even glowed.

Winners of the Cosplay Contest at Geek Con(Evansville Museum of Art, History and Science.)