
CHP calls for retrial in case of civil servant for discrimination against single mother

The attorney general's office claims there was a miscarriage of justice when it requested a retrial of a lawsuit awarding $2.15 million to a veteran California Highway Patrol lieutenant commander who was accused of wrongfully denying promotions in favor of less qualified candidates.

Lt. Laura Hill's Los Angeles Superior Court had originally charged her with gender discrimination. Shortly before trial, however, Judge Stephanie M. Bowick changed the plea to discrimination against single mothers. In court documents submitted to Bowick on August 2, the Attorney General's Office insisted that this decision was legally wrong and damaging to her case. The verdict was handed down by a jury on June 5.

“The CHP was significantly disadvantaged by the court's decision to convert the case from a case of gender discrimination to a case of discrimination against single mothers on the eve of the trial,” the Attorney General's Office said in its statement.