
Viral infections: Rise in viral infections drives medicine sales in Ahmedabad | Ahmedabad News

Ahmedabad: The rise in Viral infections throughout the state in June and July led to a corresponding increase in Drug salesAccording to Pharmarack, the sale of medicines for anti-infective therapy rose by 22% in June-July 2024, while those for Respiratory diseases increased by 20% compared to the same period last year. Sales of Analgesics Due to the increase in fever and body aches, the cost of treatment has also increased.
Heavy rains and drastic temperature differences led to an increase in the incidence of infections, allergies, viral fevers and upper respiratory tract diseases among the population. Antibiotics and anti-respiratory drugs are among the most commonly administered drugs to treat these symptoms, which led to an increase in their sales.
In Gujarat, drugs to treat respiratory diseases like flu and cough were sold across the state worth Rs 90 crore in June and July this year, compared to Rs 75 crore in the same period last year. Similarly, according to Pharmarack data, anti-infectives worth Rs 168 crore were sold in the state, compared to Rs 139 crore in the same period last year.
Explaining the trend, Alpesh Patel, chairman of the Federation of Gujarat State Chemists and Druggists' Association (FGSCDA), said, “Cases of seasonal viral infections have increased sharply in the last few months. Changes in rainfall patterns have led to a rise in these infections along with respiratory diseases such as cough and throat infections.”
Doctor Dr Pravin Garg said, “It is clinically difficult to differentiate between viral fever, swine flu and dengue fever. We advise citizens to drink more fluids,” he said.
Doctor Dr. Dhiren Mehta said, “For symptomatic treatment, paracetamol is fine, but do not take antibiotics without medical advice.”

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