
Uttar Pradesh police shoot dead rape suspect trying to escape during hospital transport

A man from Deoria district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, accused of raping a seven-year-old girl, was shot in the leg while trying to escape from police custody.

A man from Uttar Pradesh's Deoria district, accused of raping a 7-year-old girl, was shot in the leg when he tried to escape from police custody while being taken to the hospital for a medical examination. The incident took place on Monday, Kotwali Deoria police confirmed.

Defendant arrested

The accused, identified as Saifulla, was arrested on Sunday on allegations of sexually abusing the minors. According to police, Saifulla complained of feeling unwell during the detention and the Sadar Kotwali police station officials decided to take him to the hospital for a routine check-up and treatment.

However, during transport, Saifulla managed to break free from police custody and escape. The police immediately launched a manhunt to find the fugitive. “The accused was arrested by the Kotwali police yesterday morning. After complaining of unwellness, he was taken to the hospital for a check-up. During transport, the accused managed to break free from the police and escape from them, thereby escaping custody,” said ASP Dipendra Nath of Kotwali Deoria police.

After the escape, the local police quickly organised three search teams to trace the fugitive. Late in the night, Saifulla was found at the Sonughat border post. When the search party confronted him, the accused allegedly opened fire. In the ensuing altercation, Saifulla was shot in his right leg. “The accused was found late in the night at the Sonughat border post and in an altercation between the arrested and the police, he was shot in the leg,” ASP Nath added.

Social media reacted

The situation quickly caught attention on social media, with Uttar Pradesh BJP spokesperson Prashant Umrao commenting on X (formerly Twitter): “Mohammad Shafiullah, who brutally raped a girl in Deoria, was left with only one leg after he was caught fleeing from police during Operation Langda.”

Following the encounter, Saifulla was immediately taken to a medical college for treatment, where he remains under police supervision. His condition is being closely monitored as investigations into his escape attempt and the serious allegations against him continue.