
Defendant sentenced to life imprisonment plus 20 years for murder in 2022

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A 34-year-old murder defendant was sentenced to life in prison plus 20 years before Baltimore District Court Judge John A. Howard.

Preston Feaster was found guilty of first-degree murder, use of a firearm in a serious crime of violence, and carrying a handgun, two counts of unlawful possession of a regulated firearm, and possession of a rifle or shotgun while mentally disabled in the June 2, 2022 murder of 29-year-old Andrew Smith in the 4200 block of Saint Georges Road.

Prosecutors said Feaster planned the murder – surveillance footage showed Feaster waiting at the crime scene before Smith came home from work.

Feaster had already been convicted of several weapons offenses and violated the terms of his probation by committing this crime.

During the sentencing, Smith's family spoke about the impact of their loss, especially on Smith's young son, who will grow up not knowing his father.

Feaster's attorney Brandon Mead said Feaster had a difficult childhood due to the early loss of his mother and absent father. Later in his life, Feaster also suffered from heroin addiction.

Judge Howard sentenced Feaster to life in prison plus 20 consecutive years, with no possibility of parole for the first five years.

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