
Great white shark attacks boat in shocking video

A great white shark got a bit too bold with a boat, and the footage is incredible.

As OutKick readers know, we have a bit of a fascination with nature and the animal thunderdome, and sharks are right at the top of the list.

Personally, I have no interest in going anywhere near sharks. Why? Well, the latest video might be all the proof you ever need to stay out of the water.

Massive shark bites boat in viral video.

What’s about the scariest possible thing a shark could do to someone not directly in the water? Did you guess attack their boat?

Congratulations because that is the correct answer, and that’s exactly what happened off the coast of Australia.

10 News First shared a video of an absolutely gigantic great white shark trying to take a bite out of a boat, and the video is absolutely insane.

Give it a watch below, and let me know what you think at [email protected].

Yeah, that’s enough of the animal thunderdome and nature for me today. People sometimes email me complaining that I’m too harsh on sharks.

I’m not too harsh. In fact, I think you’re insane if you want to take it easy on these potentially deadly animals. I’d rather drop depth charges on them over letting one attack a boat I’m in.

I feel like I’m obligated to play the classic scene from “Jaws” about needing a bigger boat.

Always keep your head on a swivel when it comes to nature. You never know what’s out there, and that’s even more true when it comes to whatever might be in the water. Let me know at [email protected] if you agree.