
Human rights groups call for an immediate halt to executions in Iran and support hunger strikes in prisons

The Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) and 67 other human rights organizations have issued a joint statement in support of the “Tuesdays Without Death Penalty” hunger strikes in Iranian prisons, which have now entered their 31st consecutive week.

The strikes were initiated by political prisoners in response to the worrying increase in executions across Iran. The aim is to draw attention to the widespread use of the death penalty in the country, particularly against marginalized groups.

The statement calls for an immediate halt to all executions and urges the international community to support efforts to abolish the death penalty in Iran.

For further details, please see the full text of the joint statement below:

In support and solidarity with the abolitionist movement “Tuesdays without the death penalty” in Iran

During the first 20 days of August, one person was executed every six hours in Iranian prisons. Since 2021, the number of executions has been increasing every year. In 2023, at least 834 people were executed, and as of August 26, 2024, Iran Human Rights recorded 395 executions. Drug-related charges continue to account for more than half of the executions in Iran. Marginalized groups of society and ethnic minorities, particularly Kurds and Baloch, are overrepresented among those executed.

The Islamic Republic uses the death penalty as a tool of political repression. Death sentences are imposed after unfair trials that fail to meet minimum due process standards.

After witnessing weekly group executions in Karaj for months and the execution of several political prisoners in January 2024, a group of courageous political prisoners* in Ghezelhesar Prison in Karaj organized a protest that was violently suppressed. The diverse group of political prisoners from different backgrounds and beliefs therefore began a weekly hunger strike on January 30, which became known as “Black Tuesdays” and “Tuesdays without the Death Penalty.” They chose Tuesday because it is the day when death row inmates are usually transferred to solitary confinement to prepare for the gallows in Ghezelhesar Prison.

The weekly mass hunger strikes have now entered their 31st week and the movement has spread to 17 other prisons across Iran. Participants remain committed to their demands against the death penalty despite violent measures.

We, the undersigned organizations, declare our solidarity and support for the “No Death Penalty Tuesdays” movement in Iranian prisons. We demand an immediate halt to all executions with the aim of abolishing the death penalty in Iran and call on the international community to support the growing abolition movement in Iran.

*Zartosht Ahmadi Ragheb, Loghman Aminpour, Meisam Dahbanzadeh, Jafar Ebrahimi, Sepehr Emam Jomeh, Ahmadreza Haeri, Reza Mohammad Hosseini, Saeed Masouri, Reza Salmanzadeh and Hamzeh Savari in alphabetical order

Human Rights in Iran (IHRNGO)
World Coalition Against the Death Penalty (WCADP)
Impact on Iran
Together against the death penalty (ECPM)
Centre for Human Rights Defenders (Shirin Ebadi)
International Harm Reduction
World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT)
Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)
Asian Network Against the Death Penalty (ADPAN)
Institute for Human Rights of the International Bar Association
Justice for Iran
6Rang (Iranian Lesbian and Transgender Network)
Human Rights Association of Kurdistan-Geneva (KMMK-G)
International Educational Development, Inc. (IED)
Abdorrahman Boroumand Center for Human Rights in Iran
Human Rights Network Kurdistan
Haal Vsh
Center for Human Rights in Iran
Human Rights Group Balochistan
Iranian Human Rights Documentation Center
Together for Iran
Kurdpa human rights organization
HANA Human Rights Organization
Siamak Pourzand Foundation
Ahwaz Human Rights Organization
Campaign by Baloch activists
Association for the Human Rights of the Azerbaijani People in Iran (Ahraz)
Hengaw Human Rights Organization
Hands off Cain
The human rights advocates, USA
Article 19
Justice Project Pakistan
European Saudi Organization for Human Rights (ESOHR)
Odhikar, Bangladesh
Cornell Center on the Death Penalty, USA
PEN America
German Coalition for the Abolition of the Death Penalty (GCADP)
The Italian Federation for Human Rights (FIDU)
Focus on the death penalty, USA
The Christian Union for Progress and Human Rights, DRC
Death Penalty Justice Project, Australia
Amnesty International (Group 205), Dallas
Human Rights Dallas
Human Rights Program at Southern Methodist University, USA
Transitional Justice Working Group (TJWG), South Korea
Witness of Innocence, USA
Human Rights Association (İnsan Hakları Derneği – İHD), Türkiye
Salvation Pakistan
ACAT, Ghana
French collective Free Mumia, France
Function 8, Singapore
Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Masyarakat, Indonesia
International Committee Against Executions (ICAE)
Campaign for the Release of Political Prisoners in Iran (CFPPI)
Together against gender apartheid
Global campaign to end executions in Iran
All human rights for all in Iran
Defence of Human Rights in Iran (LDDHI)
Iranian Citizens' Initiative Saar (IRBIS)
Parsi Law Collective
NIKA, Network of Iranians for Freedom and Democracy
Iranian Socio-Cultural Center of Quebec Simorgh
Global network for the release of political prisoners in Iran
Free Iran Switzerland
Solidarity with the women's revolution of Freedom Life Frankfurt Mainz and Wiesbaden
Alliance for Freedom, Washington DC
Iranian Medical Society for Human Rights and Democracy (Berlin MED)