
Two death sentences against murderers in Florida. What happens next?

Wade Wilson, the Fort Myers, Florida man convicted in 2019 of killing two Cape Coral women, was sentenced to death on Tuesday.

A jury found Wilson, 30, guilty on June 12 of the murder of Kristine Melton, 35, and Diane Ruiz, 43, and recommended the death penalty after weighing aggravating and mitigating circumstances.

Judge Nicholas Thompson agreed with the jury's recommendation and sentenced Wilson to two death sentences, one for each murder.

Wilson's legal team filed a motion for a retrial or acquittal on murder and several other charges on July 3. Thompson denied the motion on August 15.

The verdict was originally scheduled for July 23, but a defense request for a delay due to scheduling conflicts with expert testimony was granted and the verdict was postponed.

Here you can find out everything about Wade Wilson's crimes, his trial and what happened next:

Crimes of Wade Wilson

Wilson, then 25, met Kristine Melton, 35, and her friend Stephanie Sailors on October 7, 2019, at Buddah LIVE, a bar in Fort Myers.

After the bar closed, Wilson and the two women went to Jayson Shepard's house, where they stayed for several hours before leaving in the morning.