
After the first human case of West Nile virus in Maryland this year, here are tips for protecting yourself from mosquitoes – NBC4 Washington

A walk in nature in the fresh air can be beneficial… at least until those pesky buzzing mosquitoes bite.

And these bites are not only annoying, but dangerous.

“I don't mind mosquitoes,” says Clay Remsay, a Maryland resident. “I'm a natural buffet for mosquitoes.”

“I think mosquitoes are a nuisance in that they can transmit diseases,” says Kathy Bergeron, another Maryland resident.

Mosquitoes not only cause itching in their victims, they also transmit diseases such as the West Nile virus.

“Transmission to humans occurs through mosquitoes that become infected by feeding on birds that carry the virus,” said Dr. Jerè Hutson, chief epidemiologist at the Maryland Department of Health.

According to the health department, the first confirmed case of West Nile virus this year occurred in the Baltimore area, but the patient has recovered.

The mosquito-borne disease left its mark in the state last year with more than seven cases.

The virus can also be transmitted from person to person through organ donations or blood transfusions, but these cases are rare.

“It's a cyclical cycle where new cases keep popping up, and we expect a few more to pop up this year,” Hutson said.

Then there is Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis, also known as EEE or “Triple E”.

“The disease is also transmitted to humans through the bite of infected mosquitoes,” Hutson said.

Climate change and the increase in mosquito-borne diseases have caught the attention of health authorities and hikers like Remsay.

If you're not a fan of mosquitoes – or cockroaches, rodents or rattlesnakes – things are about to get a lot more unpleasant. Here's why climate change is keeping pest control experts busy across the U.S.

“If we don’t do anything about the climate, there will be more of it and more things will make us sick,” Remsay said.

“Typically, what we see is that when the weather is warmer for a prolonged period of time and the temperatures are above 40 degrees or so, the season can be longer in which there are actually mosquitoes that bite and transmit viruses,” Hutson said.

The Maryland Department of Health has tips for the public. If you are concerned about mosquitoes:

  • Cover exposed skin
  • Use insect spray and reapply if necessary.

These steps can benefit you and your family.

“The most important thing is prevention. That means preventing mosquito bites and also preventing the mosquitoes from spreading the virus,” Hutson said.