
Young Thug, YSL RICO trial: Defense attorneys question Kenneth Copeland on day 120

On the 119th day of the Young Thug and YSL trial, defense attorney Steel continued his questioning of Kenneth Copeland, focusing on an ex parte meeting on June 10 and Copeland's motivations for testifying. Steel suggested that Copeland felt pressured by the state to cooperate, but Copeland offered little response, prompting Steel to shift his focus to interviews played by the prosecution.

Check back here on Wednesday at 9 a.m. to see a live stream from the court.

Steel then questioned Copeland about Young Thug's alleged involvement in the 2015 murder of Donovan “Nut” Thomas, including claims that Young Thug rented the car used in the murder. Copeland denied any truth to the lyrics of a Young Thug song that seemed to reference the murder. The defense also addressed a music video and social media posts related to Copeland's song “Homicide,” as well as Copeland's interactions with police shortly after Thomas' murder.


At one point during questioning, Copeland became emotional and described the harsh conditions he faced in prison, including foul smells, chaotic environments and severe stress that has affected his health. Steel also touched on Copeland's legal past, including his numerous charges and settlements over the years.

At the end of the day, Judge Whitaker adjourned the hearing, and Steel indicated that he would likely finish his questioning the next morning. The next witness expected to testify is Antonio “Mounk Tounk” Sledge, a former YSL member who pleaded guilty to conspiracy and agreed to cooperate with prosecutors.

Young Thug and 27 others were indicted in 2022 for violating Georgia's Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) law and committing multiple violent crimes. After the longest jury selection in history (10 months), the trial of Young Thug and several co-defendants began in November 2023. It is now the longest trial in Georgia history. Prosecutors are attempting to prove that YSL (Young Slime Life) is a criminal street gang responsible for numerous crimes, including murder. Defendants claim that YSL stands for Young Stoner Life and is the name of a record label founded by Young Thug. Young Thug is facing eight criminal charges. The trial was plagued by various disruptions, including illness, the arrest of a juror and an attorney, the stabbing of defendant Shannon Stillwell, the removal of the judge originally assigned to the case, and more.