
The cutest animals in the world got into a fight

Koalas are some of the cutest animals in the world. So what happens when koalas do things that aren't normally so cute? Is it still cute? A video from the Australian Reptile Park shows what it looks like when koalas are involved in a fight. Spoiler alert: It's adorable.

In the video, two koalas share a small space in the park. They are both holding on to the same branch. One pushes the other's arm away, the other koala pushes back and then they fight. However, the whole thing is so gentle that it borders on cuddling.

“The cutest ‘fight’ ever!” says the Australian Reptile Park’s video caption.

Watch the “fight” between two koalas here:

We wondered if this is what a koala fight actually looks like. The park put the word “fight” in quotation marks, so this behavior may not be a real fight. However, there is other evidence online that koala fights are actually cute.

Take this YouTube video of a koala fight, for example. It's not quite as cuddly as the one above, but it does add some strange noises like squeaking and chattering.

What do you think? Is this the cutest animal fight you've ever seen?