
Video shows Oakland store employee draws gun on large group – NBC Bay Area

A viral video raises questions and concerns about how bad crime is in Oakland and how residents should respond.

The video shows a liquor store employee pointing a gun at a group of over 100 people after the mob allegedly attempted to loot his store and attack him.

The incident occurred Saturday afternoon at the Golden Hours Liquor Store on International Boulevard and Fruitvale Avenue.

This video, posted on several websites, shows a group of hundreds of bikers occupying the street in front of the store. Then suddenly one of the store employees pulled out a gun and the people scattered.

Robert, the store clerk who pointed his gun at the group, said this all happened after people in the crowd started hitting him and one of them reached for his gun.

“He tugged pretty hard on my belt and the gun slipped down my pants. So I pulled it out and got him and all of them to safety,” he said.

Robert told NBC Bay Area on Wednesday that he had no intention of hurting anyone, adding that the video does not show multiple people repeatedly attacking him, pulling out knives and trying to steal from the store where he works.

When the group decided to leave, he was beaten again and then heard gunshots.

“At the last minute, a simple bow hit me right in the face, and then I heard someone shoot in the air and then they started running,” Robert said.

Robert said he was arrested and questioned by police. The group, which consisted mainly of children and teenagers, escaped. He believes the group was part of a regularly organized cycling event that also includes people from other cities.

“I would like to see the organizers of these events take a little more responsibility. Let's be honest, somebody organized this, somebody brought this here, right? And this is the result and as far as I understand it, this is a typical result,” he said.

Phillip Gums also saw the group pass by his store, which has been shot at and vandalized in the past. He says crime is driving businesses like his out of Oakland.

“I have prevented all sorts of robberies at my friend's shop here. It is chaos and people don't come here anymore,” he said.

City Councilor Noel Gallo is calling for the reactivation of city cameras and a stronger and more visible police presence.

“This is complete madness and disrespect for the city. We need more, the police absolutely have to intervene,” said Noel Gallo, Oakland City Councilor.

Oakland police said the shooting was under investigation but no arrests had been made.